Irina Duskova: Reflections from Diversity Agents’ Online Clinic: Strengthening and Advancing Anti-Racist Practices
I’m Irina Duskova, a theatre producer and diversity agent living in Finland. I write this article as a reflection on the diversity clinics that we, as Diversity Agent 2.0 course students, held in January and February 2022. These diversity clinics were focused on recognizing and tackling discrimination, learning more about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and anti-racist practices. Inspired by online Museum Clinic Making the history of disability visible in museums (2020), organized by the project Vammaisuuden vaiettu historia (The silenced history of disability) and Culture for All, the idea of an online training clinic was added to the course curriculum.
Lisa Kalkowski: Redesigning theatre practices towards inclusivity - Food for Thought 28.6.2022
Kemê Pellicer: On Critical Feedback - Deal with it (part 1/2) 2.2.2022
Kemê Pellicer: On Critical Feedback - Deal with it (part 2/2) 2.2.2022
Introducing Diversity Agents from class of 2022 28.12.2021
Arlene Tucker: Greetings from Diversity Agent 2.0 course coordinator 20.12.2021
Tal Riva Theodorou: A Diversity Agent in the Making 16.12.2021
Moninaisuusagentit Svenska Ylellä! 7.12.2021
Diversity Agents on Svenska Yle! 7.12.2021
Sheung Yiu: Kovan moninaisuuden tarpeesta Suomessa 4.11.2021
Sheung Yiu: On the Need for Hard Diversity in Finland 4.11.2021
Diversity Agents and their work 30.9.2021
Moninaisuusagentit ja heidän työnsä 30.9.2021