- 18.12.2020
How do you order an accessible website? - 18.12.2020
MuseoPro: There is no such thing as anti-racist museum - 15.12.2020
Season’s greetings from Culture for All - 11.12.2020
Open Call: Mental health projects and commissions for SICK! Festival 2022 - 11.12.2020
Panel discussions on diversity - 11.12.2020
Call for action – our answers - 11.12.2020
Rikotaan rajoja (Breaking Boundaries) livestream: Jesse Markin, MC Cepari 17th December at 19:00 - 11.12.2020
Ethical instructions for dance and circus field - 4.12.2020
Online discussion about diversity of the theatre field on 6th December - 4.12.2020
Vimma prize to Tiitu Takalo - 4.12.2020
Kirpilä Art Collection interpreted from the perspective of disability - 1.12.2020
European Heritage Days 2021: Open and unlimited - 27.11.2020
Artist seminar 2nd December - 27.11.2020
Webinar series on plain language and multilingual communcation - 27.11.2020
Welcome to join Resonaari's new network Kaikki soittaa -verkosto - 27.11.2020
Our statement regarding the Ethics committee of the cultural field - 20.11.2020
Equality in arts education: Arts and culture as children's rights 25.11. - 20.11.2020
Culture forum of Sámi and Romani artists, Inari 23.-24.11. - 20.11.2020
Sami artivism is examined in a new dissertation - 13.11.2020
Welcome to New Theatre Helsinki Gathering on December 4th - 13.11.2020
Transartists guidelines to art organisations launched in Finnish 20th November - 13.11.2020
TINFO interviewed Diversity Agents - 10.11.2020
The report on the Kurdish-Nordic Literary Field published in Kurmanji and Sorani - 9.11.2020
The theme of Taidetutka journal is outsider art - 9.11.2020
Handbook about cultural wellbeing published - 6.11.2020
Blaue Frau is Looking for Artists or Performance Groups, deadline 30th November - 6.11.2020
Building an equal arts scene #2, 24th November, Zoom & Helsinki - 6.11.2020
A Webinar for Illustrators: Diversity in Illustrating Children's Books, 11th November - 6.11.2020
Kettuki Outsider Art meeting 2020, 11th November online - 6.11.2020
Photography club: Blind spot (Sokea piste), photography exhibition until 29th November, Herttoniemi Library, Helsinki - 3.11.2020
Call for papers: SIEF2021 15th Congress: Breaking the rules? Power, participation, transgression - 2.11.2020
A trio of live-streamed panel discussions on Sustainable Leadership in the Arts - 2.11.2020
Video on the seminar of Matkalla – On the go! project - 2.11.2020
Towards a more inclusive theatre field – the new leaders of Ylioppilasteatteri - 27.10.2020
The report on establishing an ethical body in culture field is open for statements - 26.10.2020
Thesis: LGBTQIA+ sensitivity in dance performances for children - 23.10.2020
Inspiration day about accessiblity 7th December - 23.10.2020
Workshop: Building Spaces of Encounter: created from and by communities themselves, with families, children and young people in mind, Kotka 14.11., Tampere 21.11., Oulu 28.11. (online) - 19.10.2020
Comment the Draft of cross-cutting guidelines of the Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity - 7.10.2020
Panel discussion: representation on the contemporary stage 19 October, Helsinki and online - 7.10.2020
Subsidies for promoting cultural diversity and combating racism - 7.10.2020
Grants for promoting cultural diversity, deadline 11 November - 7.10.2020
Subsidies for Promoting Accessibility, Participation and Wellbeing, deadline 2 November - 2.10.2020
Trans representation and theatre, online discussion October 5th - 1.10.2020
Inspiration Day at Luckan: Multilingualism and Inclusion October 29th - 1.10.2020
Collections & communities, discussion event, Helsinki and online October 9th - 25.9.2020
The recording of the Concluding seminar of Avaus/Opening project - 25.9.2020
Call for nominees for Vimma prize - 25.9.2020
The Culture and Well-being Pool opens the membership application period - 25.9.2020
Voices Of Culture: New Call for Applications, deadline 11th October - 25.9.2020
Call for Participation: Performance Philosophy Problems 2021 Conference in Helsinki, deadline for proposals 15 December - 22.9.2020
Happy International Week of the Deaf! - 18.9.2020
Share your experiences on Finland’s centenary! - 18.9.2020
Arts and Culture Barometer 2020: A survey on artistic work in municipalities - 18.9.2020
The 33rd Helsinki International Film Festival – Love & Anarchy is organised from September 17th to 27th, 2020 - 18.9.2020
Kaarisilta Biennale 2019 16.9.-11.10., Helsinki - 7.9.2020
Maailmasta toiseen - Latin American and Iberan literature in Finland, September 11-18th, online - 7.9.2020
Kalle Hamm & Dzamil Kamanger: FREE IN NO STATE. Stoan galleria, Helsinki 4.9.–18.10. - 7.9.2020
Kettuki is looking for an Executive Director, deadline 21.9. - 31.8.2020
NO LABELS NO WALLS + We Are One festival 14th - 19th of September 2020, online - 28.8.2020
DanceAbility Children Classes start 26.9. (Helsinki) - 28.8.2020
Kolibrí Festivaali -contributing to a diverse and multilingual childhood in Finland, 23-27.09.2020 Helsinki and Espoo - 21.8.2020
Rapporteur: Ethics committee needed for handling issues in the cultural sector - 21.8.2020
Investigating culturally diverse local heritage work - 13.8.2020
Invitation to Workshop on 25 August 2020 – Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity - 31.7.2020
Call for papers: ANOTHER ARTWORLD: Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts - 31.7.2020
Call for short stories - 31.7.2020
Handbook about accessible concerts for the elderly people - 31.7.2020
X PARAFEST 2010 – 2020 exhibition in Joensuu until 16th August - 31.7.2020
Do your actions promote inclusion? 24 questions and Inclusion indicator - 17.7.2020
Guide videos about WCAG criteria - 17.7.2020
Tool to analyse the norms in performing arts - 30.6.2020
The new Kaikukortti website has been published - 29.6.2020
The skills and competencies of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland often go unrecognized – experiences of discrimination are common - 29.6.2020
Save the date: Closing seminar of the Project Opening (avaus) September 14th, 2020 - 23.6.2020
Report on the promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination in higher education institutions - 23.6.2020
Open calls: DiDa Festival 2020 - 22.6.2020
Globe Art Point’s Artist Database - 16.6.2020
New Theatre Helsinki wants to hear your voice! - 15.6.2020
Survey: art hobbies for Deaf and other Sign Language -using children - 15.6.2020
I det stora landskapet wins Antonia prize - 12.6.2020
Circus and theatre group for young adults with learning disabilities - 12.6.2020
KreaMix Akan – education focusing on creativity for people with learning disabilities - 12.6.2020
Kettuki artist of the year – deadline for applications 31st August - 12.6.2020
We can do more, Black Lives Matter! - 9.6.2020
The Labour Museum Werstas collects material about antiracist activities - 9.6.2020
A new member in the association Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry - 5.6.2020
Free Translation Sessions with JAC via ZOOM on June 11th, 18th, 25th, and July 2nd - 5.6.2020
Cross over Festival on Zoom 7th June - 4.6.2020
New board of Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry - 4.6.2020
Anti-racism resources - 4.6.2020
Latitude Festival 4th – 6th June 2020 - 2.6.2020
Invitation to the webinar series - the first webinar to be held on 11 June 2020: What is outsider art? - 2.6.2020
A pool of wellbeing & culture established - 29.5.2020
Invitation to a virtual workshop on Intercultural encounter and dialogue on 8th June - 29.5.2020
Online brainstorming on promoting cultural diversity in arts and culture - Deadline extended to 10th June - 25.5.2020
UN art contest - The representative of Finland is Antero Laine - 22.5.2020
ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival is postponed until 2021 - 22.5.2020
An ethical approach to interpreting disability and difference - 22.5.2020
Zine about Feminist Pedagogies - 22.5.2020
Invitation: Virtual workshop on multilingualism, arts and cultural services, Wednesday, May 27, 2-4 pm - 15.5.2020
Material for universities regarding accessibility, diversity and equality - 15.5.2020
The Human Science Doctoral Programme course: Online Citizen Science: Ethics and Minorities Involvement - 11.5.2020
Open online brainstorming on promoting cultural diversity in arts and culture - 7.5.2020
Queer History Month is organized again in November 2020! - 6.5.2020
KolibrÍDEA – free collection of cultural resources for the plurilingual childhood - 4.5.2020
The theme of the International Museum Day is “Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion” - 30.4.2020
#StopHatredNow 2020 – the programme has been released! - 30.4.2020
Open call: DRIN – Visions for children’s literature. A webinar on diversity and representation, deadline 4th May - 30.4.2020
Teosto Prize goes to FOLK by Jesse Markin and Totte Rautiainen - 24.4.2020
New article about the right to native language - 24.4.2020
Luckan has published more videos about accessibility - 24.4.2020
Changes in the personnel at Culture for All - 24.4.2020
Culture for All has started the new project Matkalla – On the go! - 21.4.2020
Panel discussion Different manifestos on humanness in dance is postponed to 2021 - 17.4.2020
Culture for All has given its opinion to the renewing of the state subsidy system of performing arts - 17.4.2020
The annual report of Culture for All has been published - 17.4.2020
National Culture Days of the Deaf and horsemanship of the Roma inscribed on the National Inventory of Living Heritage - 17.4.2020
Finnish Film Foundation is starting to collect statistics on the diversity and equality of projects - 17.4.2020
New employee at Culture for All - 15.4.2020
Globe Art Point’s open call for a Blog Article, DL 20th of April - 3.4.2020
SAVE THE DATE – #StopHatredNow to be held on May 11–15 2020! - 3.4.2020
Sirkus Magenta teaches circus online with easy Finnish - 2.4.2020
New book about immigration, multiculturalism and nationalism - 2.4.2020
Thesis prize of cultural policy research, deadline 30th April - 27.3.2020
The social theme of Provinssi 2020 is accessibility - 27.3.2020
World Theatre Day is also Inclusion Day - 27.3.2020
Disability history clinics for museums - 27.3.2020
Sign a story! Campaign by Ursa Minor - 25.3.2020
Kaikukortti survey, deadline 6.4. - 20.3.2020
Project: Potential – Promoting gender and culture sensitive career guidance - 19.3.2020
Open call: The European Art Award EUWARD, deadline 20th May - 19.3.2020
Free online course! Introduction to Web Accessibility - 19.3.2020
Open call: Outsider Art Festival – deadline 20th March - 19.3.2020
A guide to accessibility for children's culture centres and art education institutions is now published! - 19.3.2020
Fundamentals of Accessibility - Tampere Summer School 2020 - 13.3.2020
Kaikukortti national guideline is now available in English and Swedish! - 9.3.2020
Culture for All has a new employee - 9.3.2020
Slayground! Sunday 22.3. at 8-10 pm, Helsinki - 6.3.2020
Brainstorming Report: Gender Balance in the Cultural and Creative Sectors published - 6.3.2020
#STOPHATREDNOW 2020 – New Standards - 6.3.2020
The Association For Culture on Equal Terms has new members - 2.3.2020
Invitation to Workshop 1 on 16 March 2020 – Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity - 28.2.2020
The main award of the Finnish Cultural Foundation to Outi Pieski - 28.2.2020
Press release from the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman: Equal opportunities to enjoy culture - 27.2.2020
Barnfesten Children’s event, Helsinki 7.3.2020 - 20.2.2020
Accessible Orchestras - 20.2.2020
The 2nd YYA Meeting of Artist-run Organisations 12.-13.3., Helsinki - 20.2.2020
Open Call for a curator – Catalysti exhibition in Cable Factory in Autumn 2020, deadline 25.2. - 20.2.2020
The Sign Language Act of 2019 Award to kindergarten Franzenia and honorary award to Espoo City Theatre - 14.2.2020
Kolibrí Festivaali events and open calls - 11.2.2020
Sign Language Day 12th February - 11.2.2020
Get to know the staff of Culture for All in FinSL - 11.2.2020
Save the date invitation to the project’s first workshop on 16 March 2020 - The Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Diversity 16.3. - 5.2.2020
Relevance, the 60th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Museum - 5.2.2020
Accessibility criteria for universities - 5.2.2020
The Association of Finnish Theatres has published a model for equality and non-discrimination plans - 3.2.2020
New year 2020 with Kaikukortti - 31.1.2020
Culture for All has made a statement about the law of digital communications services - 31.1.2020
Tips om tillgänglighet (Some advices about accessibility) website - 31.1.2020
Crip Ritual Open Call for Artists - 22.1.2020
Open call for ACCAC Culture 2.0. Festival - 22.1.2020
Sunday DanceAbility open classes have started 12.1. and Childrens Classes 18.1. - 14.1.2020
Tell us about your event for Multilingual Month 2020 by 21.1.2020! - 8.1.2020
Culture for All is looking for a project coordinator for 1.4.-30.9.2020