Workshop for artists: Tame the social media!
Time: Saturday 18 November 2023 from 12 pm to 4 pm.
Place: Culture for all’s office, Cable Factory (Tallberginkatu 1, D-stair, 5th floor), Helsinki.
You can also participate online on Zoom.
Summer concert: Mikko Herranen and Herrasmiehet on Saturday 17th June at 5 pm at Musiikkitalo's terrace
The performers for the summer concerts organized by the project Making space for artistry - equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users and Musiikkitalo have been selected! Admission to the concerts is free. Musiikkitalo accessible. In case of bad weather, the summer concerts will be moved indoors to Musiikkitalo’s restaurant. Warm welcome!
Panel discussion: Considering art and critique 9.9.2023
A warm welcome to meet the artists who performed at the art festival Cross over and to discuss performances, making art and art criticism.
EMMA Talks: Appreciating Equality and Art
Wed 22.11.2023 at 17:30–18:30
Aitio venue, 2nd floor, EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Exhibition Centre WeeGee, Ahertajantie 5, Tapiola, Espoo
Free for everyone who register to the event. Please register on EMMAs website (this will take you to a Finnish e-form).
Diversity workshop for libraries
Welcome to diversity online workshop to learn about equity on Tuesday 28.11.2023 at 13-15.
Workshop: Proudly present yourself and your artistic work!
Time: Wednesdays 4th and 11th of October 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm
Venue: Online meeting on Zoom
DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action 2023
This year the theme of the festival is nature.
DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action festival takes a backup start and invites you to celebrate the annual UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December). Free admission for all.
Surrounding by the coming winter weather, nature comes alive in the interpretations of disabled and sign language artists. Come and experience an international festival experience. Come and listen to or watch a musical spectrum, fierce poetry, tickling humour, silent but loud performance and feel the rhythms of dance.
Dispel the Greyness Celebration 2023
Join us on Tuesday November 21st from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Culture for All office in the Cable Factory to celebrate the end of the year!
Let's talk about Mellanförskap, In-betweenness
Welcome to participate in a seminar on Mellanförskap and how it relates to your organisation's recruitment practices and audience engagement. Diversity Agents Kemê Pellicer and Arlene Tucker will facilitate this conversation. The event is free to participate and will be held on November 6th at Kääntöpaikka in Arabia, Helsinki from 13:30-15:00.
The development of the mobile Kaikukortti workshop in Kokkola October 3rd, 2023
A mobile version of Kaikukortti has been requested alongside the cardboard Kaikukortti. Come join us and make sure that we develop a nice and functional mobile Kaikukortti together. We want to hear your point of view too. You do not need special digital skills to participate in the workshop.
Conference: Norm Critical Leadership. Challenging Norms and Nordic Exceptionalism
Follow the live stream of the conference online:
Conference Live Stream: Wednesday 8 February
Conference Live Stream: Thursday 9 FebruarySpeech-to-text interpretation (Text on Tap)
Text on Tap Event ID: normcrit
Summer concert: Tuomas Ruokonen Quartet on Fri 9th June at 5 pm at Musiikkitalo's terrace
The performers for the summer concerts organized by the project Making space for artistry - equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users and Musiikkitalo have been selected! Admission to the concerts is free. Musiikkitalo is accessible. In case of bad weather, the summer concerts will be moved indoors to Musiikkitalo’s restaurant. Warm welcome!
Workshop for artists: How to make a grant application?
Course for arts writers: disability and art 15.5.-12.6.2023
Welcome to critique writing course about disability and art. The aim of the course is to learn to write critique of works of art that involve the perspective of disability or Sign Language, or whose maker is a disabled artist or artist who is a Sign Language user.
The 20-year anniversary party of the Culture for All Service
We warmly welcome you to celebrate spring and 20 years of Culture for All Service at the Theatre Museum on Monday May 29, 2023 from 14:30 to 18:00.
#StopHatredNow 15.-19.5.2023
The intercultural and antiracist platform #StopHatredNow takes place during 15-19 May 2023. The theme for this year is Rooting Change.
Course: Future Leaders. Changemaking and Challenging Norms
How can one become a changemaker and dismantle discriminatory norms, normative structures and hierarchies within the arts and culture sector? What does leadership mean in different situations and contexts? How can we organize?
Disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users, welcome to a party on 2nd June to Cultural Centre Caisa in Helsinki!
Time: Friday 2nd June 2023 from 17:00 to 19:00
Place: Cultural Centre Caisa (Kaikukatu 4 B, Helsinki), meeting room Maissi
Group exhibition: Making space for artistry - equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users
The group exhibition Making space for artistry brings together the artists and artist duos who worked in residency in Tornio and Haparanda in 2022: Sofia Karinen, Aino Laiho & Olga Green, Kari Toiviainen and Maarit Hedman & Anu Haapanen.
The project Making space for artistry presents: Artist meeting – Let’s share inspiring feedback with each other about our artistic work!
Time: 26.4.2023 at 18.00-20.00. Venue: Online meeting in Zoom platform
Multilingual Month / Satakielikuukausi 21.2.–21.3.
Satakielikuukausi / Multilingual Month is an annual celebration of language diversity, spreading to cultural centers, libraries, schools, and homes across Finland. Multilingual Month begins on Mother Language Day on the 21st of February, and ends on the World Poetry Day, 21st of March which is also the United Nations Day Against Racism. Multilingual Month encourages us to look at the significance of native language and multilingualism through art, participation, and coming together.
Kaikukortti remote workshops on cultural well-being: measuring and cultural companionship May 24th, 2023
Kaikukortti operations are developed with project funding. We invite Kaikukortti holders, Kaikukortti distributors, operators of Kaikukortti cultural and sport venues and representatives of wellness areas, as well as other actors interested in Kaikukortti and cultural well-being to the workshop day on May 24, 2023, when we will organize two different workshops. It would be wonderful to get you involved in a joint discussion and ideation.