We gladly offer our cooperation in developing accessible cultural
services that reflect cultural diversity. Our aim is to develop and bring to communities cultural activities that welcome participation and inclusion.
The Culture for All Service has produced web publications since 2004. Our publications can be freely downloaded and printed.
Culture for All Service coordinates projects in the area of accesibility and diversity.
From the beginning of 2020, the Kaikukortti support and development service has been a permanent part of the Culture for All service.
The new Kaikukortti website has been published in 2020. Please see the new website for updated information: www.kaikukortti.fi.
In August 2021 Culture for All started a new project Well-being from culture for the elderly with the Kaikukortti (in Finnish: Hyvinvointia kulttuurista ikäihmisille Kaikukortilla) (8 / 2021-12 / 2022). Read more about the project (only in Finnish).
Well-being from culture for the elderly project is a joint project coordinated by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland. The Culture for All service focuses on promoting equal participation in culture and cultural well-being of older people in a tight financial situation through the Kaikukortti activity. The Kaikukortti promotes economic and social accessibility.
Culture for All Service aims to influence cultural policy on many levels.
The Association For Culture on Equal Terms (Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry) has 25 members. Many of them are parent organizations of the culture field.
This is the safer space policy of Culture for All Service. We have not invented this policy ourselves. We have read different examples of safer space policies and edited and accommodated them to our work. This policy is not fixed: we develop them further with our collaboration partners. We update the policy when needed and when we learn something new. The last time we have updated this policy is on 16th March 2021.
We offer information and tools for workers in the cultural field to improve accessibility and knowledge of diversity. In this section, we talk about how equality, anti-racism and accessibility are reflected in our own activities.
This accessibility statement applies to the website www.cultureforall.fi.
Updated 7.6.2023. Contact details have been updated also later.