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Publication series offers inspiration for the cultural wellbeing of elderly people

Culture for All Service produced a series of videos and a podcast episode at the end of the Project Cultural wellbeing for elderly people with Kaikukortti. The publication series aims to inspire people to explore cultural wellbeing from the viewpoint of diversity of elderly people, inclusion and accessibility.

The series has three parts:

  1. mini lectures by Laura Huhtinen-Hildén
  2. inspirational videos presenting the diversity of elderly people and the accessible solutions of cultural work
  3. podcast episode presenting the themes of the project.

1. Miniature lectures

In the miniature lectures, researcher and principal lecturer of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Laura Huhtinen-Hildén explores advancing cultural wellbeing and how to promote the cultural participation of elderly people. The lectures were produced by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Culture for All Service in 2022 as part of Project Cultural wellbeing for elderly people. The lectures are in Finnish and have closed captions.

Miniluento: Luovuus arjen ja elämän voimavarana (you will go to YouTube video)

Miniluento: Mitä on kulttuurihyvinvointi? (you will go to YouTube video)

2. Inspirational videos

The series of six inspirational videos was born out of the need to make existing practices, art makers and the diversity work of elderly people visible.

The video series presents Cross-art Collective Piste, which works in the Rovaniemi area. The collective offers ”cultural medicine” through their Pirtissä Piipahtajat performance for elderly people. Matti Selin, project manager at the Cultural Services for the city of Rovaniemi, presents good practices of the social and healthcare sector, and wellbeing sector. Arttu Haapalainen, project coordinator and producer at Tampere Theatre, talks about the activities of the Mobile Stage, which can help reach out to a wider and more diverse audiences. Visual artist and art therapist Marjukka Irni solves the problems of moving and social accessibility by bringing the making of visual art to elderly people. In addition, rainbow seniors Kuisma Savisalo and Risto Hartikainen present themselves in the videos. Kuisma Savisalo tells about the work of expert by experience trainer and reflects the encounters of rainbow seniors and services aimed for elderly people. Risto Hartikainen and Jenni Hoppi from KokoTeatteri discuss what kind of meaning art and culture have to the wellbeing, encounters and visibility of rainbow seniors.
The videos are closed captioned (in Finnish) and subtitled in Swedish. Subtitles in Northern Sámi are coming up.

3. Podcast episode

In the podcast episode Laura Huhtinen-Hildén and Ruka Toivonen, the project coordinator of Culture for All Service discussdiscus the themes of cultural wellbeing of elderly people, inclusion and diversity. The podcast was produced by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Culture for All Service in 2022 as part of Project Cultural wellbeing for elderly people.
The podcast is in Finnish. You can listen to the podcast or read the text alternative on Metropolia’s website:

More information about the Project Cultural wellbeing for elderly people with Kaikukortti in Finnish:

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