Welcome to join Resonaari's new network Kaikki soittaa -verkosto
NOTE: This network is in Finnish. If you wish to hear news about our international network, please join our Inclusive Music Network: resonaari.fi/international.
We here at Resonaari founded this network to bring together people who find it important to work for equality in music education. Our network provides schooling, different material, ideas and of course the possibility to network with other members. Through this network we hope to inspire with ideas and help you to encounter different kind of students and teaching situations. We hope that you share the news of this network with your colleagues and with people that might want to join!
Join the network here: resonaari.fi/kaikkisoittaa
A free online schooling for people in our network
Resonaari OpenDoors
Friday 27.11.2020 at 10am-11.30am & 2.30pm-4.pm (the schoolings are identical)
Welcome to a virtual visit to Resonaari Music School. You will get practical ideas for teaching situations and tips on how to teach different kind of students.
Join our network and we will send you a link to register for the OpenDoors- online schooling.
Markku Kaikkonen & Resonaari team
Director / Principal at Resonaari Music Centre