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Welcome to the Artists’ Meeting online on Thu 12th May at 18-20!

Illustration, where speech bubbles are floating in the air. They are supported by many kinds of arm, long, short, thin, thick, white, black. Some speech bubbles are empty, some have patterning. In one combination of a bubble and a hand come to mind a fortune teller rubbing their crystal ball. The illustration is made with black ink and marker and pale pink watercolor.
Illustration: Hanna Väätäinen.

Dear artist,

Culture for All and the Cultural Association Finland’s EUCREA organize a series of artists’ meetings in 2022-2023. You are warmly welcome to the first meeting on Thursday 12th May at 18-20! The meeting will be online on Teams.

We especially invite artists who identify as disabled or as a Sign Language user, but all artists interested in peer support and collaboration are welcome. The theme of the first artist meeting is your own artist identity - what interests you, what is important to you right now, what are your strengths, what could be at the core of your artistry in this moment? We help each other to look for answers.

We will discuss together and in small groups. We adhere to our safer space policy. The languages ​​of the meeting are Finnish and Finnish Sign Language, English can also be used. We provide Sign Language interpretation.

Register by sending an e-mail to Johanna Mattila, johanna@lalunes.com, by Tuesday 10th May. You will receive a Teams link in your e-mail.

Looking forward!

Johanna Mattila and Maija Karhunen

The artists’ meeting is part of Culture for All’s project Making space for artistry - equality for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users, funded by the Kone Foundation.

Kone Foundation's logo.

The Cultural Association Finland's EUCREA's logo.

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