Cultural field in general
Barriers and enablers to engagement in participatory arts activities amongst individuals with depression and anxiety: quantitative analyses using a behaviour change framework
This study used a behaviour change framework to explore barriers to engagement in participatory arts activities amongst people with either depression or anxiety. The study was published in the journal BMC Public Health in 2021.
"It's you experiencing yourself"
An ethnographic study of an arts project promoting participation among young people with mental health issues. Sini Mikkonen's pro gradu, 2013, University of Oulu.
"It's you experiencing yourself" (link to the website of University of Oulu)
A report on policies and good practices in the public arts and in
cultural institutions to promote better access to and wider
participation in culture
European Agenda for Culture/Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014
The report was produced through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), a volontary cooperation among member states, sharing their practises and experiences to improve their own work.
Access to Culture 2012 report
The European Blind Union's Access to Culture 2012 report covers analysis of policy implementation of the cultural rights of disabled people, some information on cultural accessibility in several countries and case-studies from seven countries of Europe. They cover theatre, cinema, museums and city tourist information. The report was first published on the EBU website to Culture 2012 [DOC]
Access to Culture 2012 [PDF]
Summary of the Access to Culture report 2012 [DOC]
Summary of the Access to Culture report 2012 [PDF]
Community Action Programme on Social Exclusion - The role of culture in preventing and reducing poverty and social exclusion
A summary of the main findings of a study commissioned by the Centre for Public Policy at Northumbria University. The study analyses and identifies cultural policies and programmes that contribute to preventing and reducing poverty and social exclusion. Policies in eight Member States are examined in the study (Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and an overview of policies in five new Member States is also included.
The role of culture in preventing and reducing poverty and social exclusion [PDF]
Three Dimensional Models for All
In the article Julia Ionides and Peter Howell share their long term experience of planning and constructing tactile three dimensional scale models. Tactile models offer also people with visual impairments a way to appreciate the shape, size and architectural features of buildings or other objects.
Three dimensional models for all [DOC]
Three dimensional models for all [PDF]