DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action 3 December

DiDa - Disability Day Art & Action will bring arts and several events to the heart of Helsinki on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3 December. DiDa will be organized for the first time this year by several organizations and actors.
DiDa offers a wide array of arts and events on 3 December 2016. The program of the day includes theatre, dance, circus, poetry, and creative workshops.
DiDa is produced by the Threshold Association, Tukilinja magazine, cultural association Suomen Eucrea ry and Culture for All Service.
Most of the action of DiDa will take place in Club Tavastia (Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6) from 12 to 3 p.m. Rapper duo Hulttioveljekset will be the hosts of the event. At the end of the day, the Vimma prize will be awarded.
The event is free, coatroom fee 3 euro.
Performance “Chinese Whispers” by Kaaos Company
Painting workshop by Seija Suokko / Helsingin Kehitysvammatuki 57 ry.
12:30-13:00, 13:00-13:30
Paralympian Henry Manni and Aleksi Kirjonen will challenge the visitors to try out their skills with wheelchairs. How can you handle the cobblestones, thresholds and other obstacles?
Thatre Totti: “Puff and Distant Friends”. Children’s play about friendship and being different. Language: Finnish Sign Language, interpretation into Finnish.
Performance “Tickle the Cripple” by Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen
Clown orchestra SirkusRakkausPUMPUM
Handicraft and art Christmas bazaar by Autismisäätiö, Lyhty ry and NEOTT OmaPolku
Sosped Foundation’s Epic Light project will broadcast the whole event
Helsinki City Planning Department's information and exhibition space Laituri is located on the Narinkka Square (Narinkka 2). Entrance and workshop are free of charge.
Workshop “Naura, Tanssi, Hengitä” by Noora Västinen and Vea Vainio (in Finnish), max. 20 participants. Register to vea_vainio(at)hotmail.com.
PopUp café Anna. The café will be run by disabled people from Pasila day centre.
Kamppi chapel
The chapel is located on the Narinkka Square (Simonkatu 7). Entrance is free of charge.
Dia show by Abilis Foundation
The Finnish National Theatre
The theatre is located next to Railway Square (Läntinen teatterikuja 1). For ticket prices, see below.
Stage Willensauna
14:00 Children’s play “Mauri ja vähä-älypuhelin” (in Finnish), interpretation into Finnish Sign Language. For ticket prices, see ticket service lippu.fi.
Club Lavaklubi
20:00 Omatuntoklubi (“Conscience club”), program includes poetry, music and other performances. Entrance fee 1-100 euro (pay what you want).
Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art is located in Mannerheiminaukio 2. The entrance is free for all on 2 December. The entrance is also free for the participants of the conversational guidance on 3 December.
Friday 2 December 10:00-20:30
Free entrance to all Kiasma exhibitions. Free guidance in Finnish at 6 p.m-7 p.m.
Saturday 3 December 13:00-14:00
Free conversational guidance to adults, max. 15 participants. Register and tell us about your special needs by 2 December: info.disabilityday(at)gmail.com.
Ateneum is located opposite to the Railway Square (Kaivokatu 2). For ticket prices, see Ateneum’s website.
11:00-14:00 Non-stop clay workshop, no registration needed. The workshop is included in the ticket price.
14:00 Audio described guidance to Amedeo Modigliani exhibition (in Finnish). The guidance is included in the ticket price.
Gallery Art Kaarisilta
Gallery Art Kaarisilta is located in Sanomatalo (Elielinaukio 2). Entrance is free of charge.
12:00-18:00 Art Christmas bazaar
15:00-18:00 Non-stop tuning workshop “Funny furniture”
Lapinlahden Lähde
Lapinlahden Lähde is located next to the Hietaniemi cemetery (Lapinlahdentie 1). Entrance is free of charge.
12:00-14:30 Discussion: Art to target groups and beyond target group limitations (in Finnish)
15:00-17:00 Art workshops
The organizers try to make the event as accessible as possible. For accessibility information, please see DiDa's website and the section "Saavutettavuus". If you need further accessibility information in English, please contact Sari Salovaara (tel. +358 40 931 3958, sari.salovaara(at)cultureforall.fi).