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Seminar: How can an institution be an ally?

Finland and Finnish society are diverse, and arts and culture institutions should reflect this diversity. How can those working within arts and culture institutions promote equality in the sector? How can an institution be an alley to those who do not yet have equal opportunities to contribute as professionals?

Monday 13th May 2019, 12.00-16.00

How can an institution be an ally?

Place: Center for New Dance Zodiak, Helsinki

Address: Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 B/154, 00180 Helsinki

The entrance to the  foyer and stage of Zodiak is through the glass door V. The auditorium and the foyer are accessible with a wheelchair, and can be reached using the lift located at door B. Please note that the door to the lift is heavy.

In the seminar, we will hear a keynote speech about diversity work in Germany. After that we will talk about concrete measures to promote equality in the Finnish context paying attention both to the point of view of small and large organizations. How can each institution make equality assessment and planning that suits its activities and how can this plan become a concrete tool in the everyday work?


12:00  Opening words Rita Paqvalén (Culture For All Service) and Kemê Pellicer (visual artist, poet, cultural agent) / ENG

12:15  Keynote speech: Sandrine Micossé-Aikins (Diversity Arts Culture, Berlin) / ENG

Sandrine Micossé-Aikins manages Diversity Arts Culture and consults the cultural department of the Berlin Senate. She is a cultural studies scholar, curator and equity manager whose work focuses on racism and empowerment in the arts. Her work also examines the power and effects of colonial imagery, politics of the body, and representation and participation in the German speaking arts and cultural sector.

12:45  Keynote discussion, moderator Martina Marti (Culture For All Service) / ENG

13:15  Coffee break

13:30  Panel discussion, moderator Christine Langinauer (Culture For All Service) / ENG

  • Virpi Kanniainen (Aine Art Museum, Tornio)

  • Hanna Fontana (Finnish National Opera and Ballet)

  • Nitin Sood (advisor on non-discrimination, City of Helsinki)

14:30  Workshop discussions / ENG + FIN

15:30  Conclusion and ending words 

16:00 End

The language of the seminar is English and there is English text Interpretation. The workshop discussions can also be held in Finnish. A hearing Induction Loop is installed in the event venue.

The event will be streamed on the Culture For All service Facebook page.

Coffee, tea and a snack will be served. 

The seminar venue is the stage of the Center for New Dance Zodiak. Passage to the stage is accessible through the elevator next to the staircase B. Note that the elevator door is heavy. The accessible toilet is located opposite to the elevator on the same floor as the stage.

Detailed information on accessibility can be found on the Zodiak website in Finnish language: https://www.zodiak.fi/saavutettavuus.

REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/Kq5UkLLSXd15wC8n9

DEADLINE: 09.05.2019

The seminar is part of the event #StopHatredNow which is produced as a cooperation between UrbanApa, Culture For All Service, Caisa, Goethe-Institut Finnland, Aalto University Department of Art, ARMA, ArtsEqual, Interkult, Globe Art Point and the Center for New Dance Zodiak.

#STOPHATREDNOW 2019 – Allyship and solidarity 13.–16.5.2019 

Tools for inclusive, anti-racist and feminist action All events are free of charge! 

For the programme and more information:



#StopHatredNow on usean eri taideinstituution sekä interkulttuurisen ja rasismin vastaisen organisaation yhteinen tapahtuma-alusta monimuotoisen ja avarakatseisen Suomen puolesta. Toiminnan keskiössä ovat yhteisöllisyys, voimaantuminen, yhteistyö ja tiedon sekä resurssien jakaminen. Tapahtuma-alusta on luotu pidempiaikaiseksi ja sen puitteissa voidaan toteuttaa erimuotoista toimintaa. #StopHatredNow toteutettiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2016.

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