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Multilingual Month 2025

Multilingual Month's logo with a bird's head and speech bubbles of different colours including different alphabeitc characters. Dates 21.2.-21.3.

Making plans for spring already? Register your event for Multilingual Month  - Satakielikuukausi taking place between 21 February and 21 March 2025.

Multilingual Month is a celebration of mother tongues and multilingualism. It takes place between International Mother Language Day (21 February), and World Poetry Day and International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March). Multilingualism is visible in all kinds of encounters, discussions, projects, art and shared activities.

We challenge everyone to explore the importance of mother tongues and languages in libraries, arts institutes, cultural centres, homes, schools, educational institutes and workplaces during Multilingual Month.

Multilingual Month has been celebrated in Finland since 2015.

Multilingual Month is coordinated by the Multilingual Library in cooperation with the Culture for All Service. 

Get involved as an event organiser

Multilingual Month is a series of events open to all. The events and projects are united by the fact that, in one way or another, they take into account linguistic diversity and the importance of mother tongues. 

Libraries can participate by, for example, giving reading tips related to the topic, organising exhibitions of relevant materials and holding multilingual fairy tale readings. Museums can organise workshops, guided tours or discussion events in different languages. Schools can participate through theme days, exhibitions, various workshops or group work or by inviting multilingualism experts to give presentations.  Other cultural actors are also welcome to participate with similar programmes.

The organisations and actors participating in Multilingual Month implement the events with their own funding. The organising bodies are responsible for their own communications and must publish their events through the website www.satakielikuukausi.fi

Publish your event and programme

Please submit your event via this link by 31st of January 2025: Event proposal for Multilingual Month (directs to an Office form)

Communicating on multilingualism

You can also participate by sharing materials, images, texts or reflections related to multilingualism on social media using the hashtags #Satakielikuukausi #MultilingualMonth #Flerspråkighetsmånaden.


Do you need more information? You can ask for more information by sending an email to monikielinen.kirjasto@hel.fi 

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