Ohita navigaatio
Seven animated persons sitting in a circle
Image: Hanna Väätäinen

Workshop: Getting to know the access rider

The access rider is a document where you can talk about your own needs, wishes and limits as an artist or in another work relationship. The document can serve as a starting point for a discussion about the accessibility of a work relationship or a working situation.

Time: Saturday 27 January 2024 from 13:00 to 16:00
Venue: Online meeting on Zoom

In this workshop, we will get to know what the access rider could contain and how it can be used. We will discuss how it feels to write about your own needs, wishes and boundaries and the questions it brings up.

The workshop is facilitated by Jemina Vainikka Lindholm, who has researched accessibility riders together with Jessie Bullivant in their publication Access Riders as part of Frame Contemporary Art Finland's program Hospitality Exercises.

Jemina Vainikka Lindholm is a museum worker, art and community pedagogue, producer and visual artist. Their interests are the intersections of contemporary art, architecture, illness and crip theory.

The duration of the workshop is three hours. The workshop will consist of a lecture, presentations of different access riders and discussing together.

The workshop is aimed at disabled artists and artsts who are Sign Language users. The language of the workshop will be Finnish and the workshop will be interpreted to Finnish Sign Language.

Please register by Wednesday 24th January to project coordinator Riikka Hänninen:
Email: riikka@tilaataiteilijuuteen.fi
Phone: 050 3080 232

When you register, please let us know if you need Sign Language interpretation, so we can assign interpreters in the group discussions. Also please let us know if you need the workshop materials in text form in advance.

The workshop is provided by the project Making space for artistry. It is a project financed by the Kone Foundation to promote working opportunities and equity for disabled artists and artists who are Sign Language users. The two-year project started in the spring of 2022 and will end in February 2024. The project is implemented by the Culture for All and the Cultural Association Finland’s Eucrea.

More information about the project Making space for artistry: www.tilaataiteilijuuteen.fi (the link takes you to the projects website)

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