Finland 100 – In Rainbow colors

Finland 100 – In Rainbow Colors is a culture, art and information
project with the aim of raising awareness on the history of sexual and
gender minorities (LGBTIQ) as part of the national narrative of an
independent Finland. The project collects new information about the
everyday life and history of LGBTIQ minorities and highlights current
art and culture produced with a queer perspective.
Finland 100 – In Rainbow Colors is a joint project by the Finnish LGBT organization Seta and Culture for All Service.
The website of the project Finland 100 – In Rainbow colors
Finland 100 – In Rainbow colors on Facebook
Opening seminar: Tietoisesti vaiennetut Facebook event
Washing line, a community art project. Photo from Turku Pride 2015. Artists: Heidi Lunabba and Ilar Gunilla Persson. Photographer: Heidi Lunabba. #pyykkinaru #tvattlina
More information:
Project Director Rita Paqvalén, rita.paqvalen(a)
Artistic Director Katriina Rosavaara, katriina.rosavaara(a)