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In need of inspiration for accessibility and diversity work? Check out our checklist for museums – now available in English!

Culture for All Service published Accessibility and diversity checklist for museums in Finnish and Swedish in 2021. Now the checklist has been translated in English in cooperation with The Finnish National Committee of ICOM.

The checklist can be used to independently assess and develop accessibility and diversity in museums. The aim is to make museums as pleasant and meaningful places for as many people as possible.

The checklist serves as a support for considering different aspects of accessibility and for developing your own ideas. The checklist serves as a to-do-list, a tool to support the development of ideas in the daily life of a museum. You can detach parts from the list and adapt them to your own needs, such as exhibition planning, communications development, notes for customer service desks, training material etc. Please note that both a PDF version and an accessible DOCX version of the checklist have been published. It may be easier to edit parts of the DOCX version and adapt them to your own needs.

A glossary is attached to the checklist to explain the terms used in the list.

All three language versions of the checklist are available on the website of Culture for All:

Accessibility and diversity checklist for museums [PDF, not fully accessible]

Accessibility and diversity checklist for museums [DOCX, accessible version]


Museoiden saavutettavuuden ja moninaisuuden tarkistuslista [PDF, ei täysin saavutettava]

Museoiden saavutettavuuden ja moninaisuuden tarkistuslista [DOCX, saavutettava versio]


Checklista gällande tillgänglighet och mångfald i muséer [PDF, inte fullt tillgängligt]

Checklista gällande tillgänglighet och mångfald i muséer [DOCX, tillgänglig version]


Many experts from the museum sector and other experts commented on the various drafts of the checklist. Many thanks to everyone who participated!

About the publishers

Culture for All Service / Association for Culture on Equal Terms, promotes cultural services that are inclusive, equitable and take diverse audiences and art professionals into account. For example, the service offers information and tools for professionals in the museum field to improve accessibility and knowledge of diversity. cultureforall.fi

ICOM Finland is a national committee of the International Museum Council that is closely related to UNESCO. The mission of The Finnish National Committee of ICOM is to promote the professional cooperation between members active in the museum field and to offer possibilities of following the international development of the branch. Guarding the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums is one of the central tasks of ICOM Finland. Together with the Finnish Museums Organization, the Finnish National Committee of ICOM grants the annual Museum Awards. ICOM Finland participates in keeping up the museum professional discussion also in its home country, by participating in the organizing of different kinds of seminars. In addition, ICOM Finland promotes the visibility of the Finnish museum know-how internationally, for example by translating Finnish publications into English. icomfinland.fi

More information

Outi Salonlahti

Senior Specialist, Accessibility and Communications 

Culture for All

Email: outi.salonlahti@cultureforall.fi

tel. 040 963 9908 (Country code +358)

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