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Culture for All seeks a Planner

The Culture for All Service is recruiting a full time Planner for a temporary position (100%) 1.4.2018–31.12.2018.

The Planner is responsible for the tasks related to the communication of the Culture for All Service (including updating and developing web pages, creating news, maintaining an e-mail list) and managing office-related tasks. The designer works under the executive director, supports the executive director in his / her work and participates in the design, implementation and development of the Culture for All Service.

The task requires an appropriate university degree, a work experience for communicative tasks and a knowledge of the art and culture field. The experience of accessibility and equality issues is seen as an advantage.

The applicant is also required to have an excellent knowledge of both Finnish and Swedish, both  verbally and in writing, as well as strong English language skills. The main languages ​​of communication are Finnish and Swedish. Other language skills are considered an advantage.

The successful management of the assignment demands excellent cooperation and interaction skills, initiative, ability to work independently and systematically, as well as experience of communication and financial  management.

The wage is 2600 euro/ month. Informal job applications including a CV are sent to the email address rekrytointi(a)cultureforall.fi. Job interviews will be arranged week 13. Work starts on Monday April 2 or  will begin on Monday 2.4. or or according to a separate agreement later in April.

More information

More information is given by Rita Paqvalén, the Executive Director of Culture for All, on 13th of March between 9–12 am at  040-674 3528.

The workplace is at the Cable Factory in Helsinki (Tallberginkatu 1). Information about the office’s accessibility here (in Finnish). 

Information on Culture for All Service

Culture for All is an organization within the field of arts and culture. It offers information and tools for workers in the cultural field nationwide to improve accessibility and knowledge of diversity. The organization is run by the association For culture on equal terms ry (Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry). Culture for All is supported by the Ministry of education and culture.




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