Still time to register: Seminar Migrants and Living Heritage September 14, 2017 in Helsinki, register before September 7
What is living heritage or intangible cultural heritage? What kind of traditions do migrants bring or take with them? What do people want to keep and change? How to safeguard traditions? What could my community add to the Wiki-Inventory for Living Heritage? These issues will be considered in the speeches and workshops of the seminar.
Living heritage in a timely theme just now. Finland ratified the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2013. The National Board of Antiquities (Museovirasto) is responsible for its implementation. Intangible cultural heritage is the living heritage which is present in people’s everyday lives. It can be for example celebrations, food, crafts, performing arts, games, oral traditions or knowhow related to nature.
Wiki-Inventory for Living Heritage is being compiled under the Convention. The purpose of the inventory is to make visible living heritage in Finland, together with communities and associations. In a year’s time it has gathered over 120 articles from over 150 communities in Finland.
The purpose of the seminar is to raise awareness and open up discussions on the living heritage of migrants in Finland. Besides sauna, vappu and carelian pies there is much more. One concrete aim is to have a more diversified picture of the living heritage in our country visible also in the Wiki-inventory.
The seminar is free and open to all. It is hoped to attract participants who engage with culture, heritage and arts in their professional or personal life. The language of the seminar is English.
When: Thursday 14th September 2017
Time: 9.30-13 AM
Venue: International Cultural Centre Caisa, Mikonkatu 17 C Helsinki
Information on the accessibility of the location can be found here.
9.30 Welcome! Catia Suomalainen
Pedrosa, CAISA
9.40 Living Heritage in Finland and the UNESCO Convention, Leena Marsio,
National Board of Antiquities
10.00 Commentary, Maryan Abdulkarim
10.15 Annual festivals as living heritage: Durga puja in Helsinki, Somdatta Deb
10.30 Personal History as a Basis for Art Making, Dzamil Kamanger
10.45 Songs by artists from Street Soul studio
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 – 12.30 Workshops
1. How to safeguard and transmit living heritage? (Catia Suomalainen-Pedrosa)
2. Make it visible! Wiki-inventory of living heritage (Hamza Amarouche, Leena
3. Living culture in diaspora (Ilona Niinikangas, Somdatta Deb)
4. Arts and heritage (Julian Owusu, Rita Paqvalen)
12.30 Wrap-up of the workshops
12.50 Concluding remarks
13.00 End of the seminar
Organizers: International Cultural Centre Caisa, National Board of Antiquities (Museovirasto), Culture for All Service, Interkult Kassandra ry, Helinä Rautavaara museum
Registration to the seminar before 7th of September
Seminar Migrants and Living Heritage at Facebook
More information:
Leena Marsio, Coordinator of
Intangible Heritage, National Board of Antiquities, Finland
leena.marsio(a) +358 29533 6017