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Museum Ethichs 2.0: Ethical viewpoints in cultural heritage work, call for proposals

Who gets to define, what is cultural heritage? Who does the cultural heritage belong to? Should museum collections be free for everyone to reach and use? Whose history are we presenting?

Can or should we remain silent about some things? Museum is the memory of a society, but does the society have a right to forget? What is the museum ethics like in 21st century?

The annual museology seminar arranged by students will be held in Jyväskylä University 16.-17.4.2015. The seminar will be arranged together with ICOM Comittee of Finland and Finnish Museum Association. ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums creates the frame for the seminar themes. http://icom.museum/the-vision/code-of-ethics/ We call for critical and innovative proposals.

Please send your abstract (about 250 words, Word or PDF file) about your proposal by email by 30.11.2014 to tiedotus.seminaari(a)gmail.com. The languages of the seminar are Finnish and English.

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