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Making Cultural Heritage Truly Inclusive Conference Publication published

Society and the population structure are changing. Whose right to cultural heritage will be at stake in the future? What are the accessibility issues concerning our cultural heritage? Who have fallen through the net?

Making Cultural Heritage Truly Inclusive was a conference held in Helsinki 11-12 October 2007. The Conference Publication includes articles from chosen conference speakers Kaija Kaitavuori, Frans Mäyrä, Esko Nummelin, Richard Sandell, Diana Walters and Anne Ågotnes. In their articles the writers address the conference themes even more thoroughly than was possible within the conference program.

The Conference Publication is aimed at the cultural heritage sector, all the cultural service providers and at anyone who is interested in the accessibility of cultural sites.

The conference Making Cultural Heritage Truly Inclusive was organized by the Finnish National Gallery, the National Museum of Finland and the Finnish Museums Association. It was part of the Finnish presidency programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers and it was supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the organizers. The conference was part of the project "Tillgänglighetsnätverk för museer i Norden" (2006-2007).


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