Preliminary workshops 2.11.2016
Registration to preliminary workshops has to be done in advance. You can participate in only one or several workshops. The workshops are free of charge, and they will be organized in different places. You will find the contact and accessibility information in the sections of the program regarding each workshop.
We reserve the right for changes of program.
1. Everybody Is Playing!
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!
Everybody Is Playing! is a workshop of Special Music Centre Resonaari. In the workshop it will be proved that it's possible for everyone to learn to play music. Figurenotes and new special music pedagogical applications are going to open doors for playing for everybody. There will be presented and made rhythmical exercises together in the workshop. In addition, we will get to know band instruments and, above all, play together. In the end of workshop the songs, which are practiced together, will be recorded.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 9-11.30.
The language of the workshop: Finnish. English will be also used if needed.
The number of participants: max. 15 / workshop
Organizer: Special Music Centre Resonaari
Moderators: Markku Kaikkonen & Kaarlo Uusitalo and Resonaarigroup
Place: Special Music Centre Resonaari, Kulosaaren puistotie 26, 00570 Helsinki
Accessibility: The main entrance of Special Music Centre Resonaari is accessible. There is an accessible parking space in the yard of the house. Originally the house has been detached house meant for living. That's why it's not completely accessible.
More information about accessibility: Markku Kaikkonen, Mob. +358 400 766712, markku.kaikkonen(a)
2. The Development of Accessibility in Exhibition
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!We will discuss about Tiedekeskus Heureka (Science Centre Heureka) and what Heureka has done for accessibility in exhibitions. Together with participants of the workshop we will discuss how and where the accessibility of interactive exhibition should be developed. What can be solved by technical solutions, and what can be developed by changing the working methods?
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 9-12
The language of the workshop: Finnish
The number of participants: max. 20
Organizer: Tiedekeskus Heureka (The Science Centre Heureka)
Moderator: Anssi Ahlgrén
Place: Science Centre Heureka, Tiedepuisto 1, 01300 Vantaa
Accessilibity: The main entrance of Science Centre Heureka is accessible. There are five accessible parking spaces for cars in front of Science Centre Heureka. Address to accessible parking space is Kuninkaalantie 7 but driving via Härkävaljakontie, Helsinki. There is an accessible toilet behind racks in entrance hall. Unfortunately it's not possible to use an induction loop in the workshop. More information about accessibility of Heureka.
More information about accessibility: Anssi Ahlgrén, + 358 40 9015 242, anssi.ahlgren(a)
3. Story Carousel - a Digital Literary Art Game
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!Tarinakaruselli is a Digital Literary Art Game for elderly. Players make art by joining and being part in community, and become heard and seen through the stories of their lives. The access of the game is unlimited. The players produce art with professionally directed exercises. The story Carousel modernizes facility in working with elderly, makes expression richer and collects information about clients. The workshop is meant for people working with elderly or in welfare work. Senior citizens are also warmly welcome.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016. First workshop at 9-10.30 (FULL!), second workshop at 12.30-14 (FULL!)
The language of the workshop: Finnish
The number of participants: max. 8 persons / workshop
Organizer: Tarinakaruselli-tiimi/Käpyrinne ry
Moderators: Minna Yli-Karjanmaa, Nea Kukkonen, Mona Taponen
Place: Käpyrinne ry/ Iidantupa, Käpyrinne sheltered house, Ilmattarentie 2, 00610 Helsinki
Accessibility: The main entrance of Iidantupa is accessible. There is an accessible toilet near the main entrance. Unfortunately there is not an accessible parking space but cars bringing people can be stopped next to the main entrance.
More information about accessibility: Mervi Leivo, +358 45 357 9354, mervimarja(a)
4. Accessibility in Movie Theater
Accessibility solutions in movie theater will be done, tested and enquired in a workshop. Pilot projects will be also presented. E.g. movies with captioning and audio description will bring new audiences to movies. The workshop is meant for professionals of film and movies and for others who are interested.After the event it is possible to see film Hymyilevä mies (The Happiest Day in the Life) at 17.30. Tickets 8 euros from Kino Sheryl's ticket sales. The film is in Finnish, subtitled in Finnish and it is possible to listen to audio description for the film with MovieReading application.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 13.30–17.00
The language of the workshop: Finnish
Organizers: The Finnish Film Foundation, The Finnish Federation of Hard of Hearing (FFHOH) and Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired
Place: Sampo Hall, Media Centre Lume, Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki.
Accessibility: There is one accessible parking space at Arabia Centre parking place. There is about 150 m distance between the parking space and the main entrance of Media Centre Lume. There are several regular parking spaces in front of Media Centre Lume, but you can park there only for 2 hours. The main entrance of Media Centre Lume (Hämeentie 135 C) is accessible. It is accessible to move inside media Centre Lume and there is an accessible toilet. There is an induction loop in the Sampo Hall. There are four places for wheelchair users in the upper level of the auditorium. Please go through the right hand side door to access these places. More information about the accessibility of the Media Centre Lume (please note, that the intrepretations are available only on seminar day 3rd November!).
5. We Ourselves Influence film workshop
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!The topics of a workshop are influencing with culture and learning by doing ourselves. The workshop is directed by people with developmental disabilities. A small short film from idea to premiere will be made during the day; in the morning script will be created, in the midday the short film will be filmed and in the afternoon it will be edited. You need only enthousiasm, but previous experience about making movies is not needed. Me itse ('We ourselves') actives will work as peer directors. They will inform the participants individually and personally how you can make a difference by movies.
The film which was produced in the workshop is available on YouTube
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 10-15
The language of the workshop: Finnish (easy-to-read Finnish)
The number of participants: max. 5 persons
Organizers: MEKA TV and SAMS–Samarbetsförbundet kring funktionshinder rf
Moderators: Three Me itse ('We ourselves') actives and their support person Ari Impola
Place: Meeting room Cassiopeja, 3rd floor, Vega house, Nordenskiöldinkatu 18 A, 00250 Helsinki
Accessibility: The Vega house and the meeting room are accessible. There are automatic doors at the main entrance, and you can reach the 3rd floor with an elevator. There is an accessible toilet near to the meeting room. Unfortunately it is not possible to use induction loop at the meeting room. Vega house has only short-time parking spaces.
More information about accessibility: Johanna Sandberg, +358 50 590 1472, johanna.sandberg(a)
6. Items to Be Touched with Hands by 3D-scanning and 3D-printing
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!3D-models can be created by 3D-scanning and 3D-printing. They can be presented e.g. in Internet. In addition, the 3D-prints to be touched with hands can be presented in different places. The 3D-models can be also used e.g. in filing or documentation, and they can be used in many other purposes as well. The information of item from the moment of taking pictures remains in the 3D-model; the geometry and colours of surface. The 3d-scanned and afterwards 3D-printed models have been used as exhibition items, when the original item is too brittle, or is situated in other museum. In addition, the 3D-models can be sold in different ways if needed, and they can be used in games, applications of augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR).
Participants can try 3D-scanning using different techniques in the workshop. In addition, different ways to use the 3D-printing with the 3D-models are presented, and different applications related to the 3D-models will be presented. The workshop is meant for people who would like to get the first touch for the 3D-scanning and it gives them tips how to start the 3D-scanning in their own museum.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 12–16
The language of the workshop: Finnish. English will be also used if needed, according to participants wishes.
The number of participants: max. 10
Organizer: Versoteq 3D Solutions Oy
Moderator: Rauno Huttunen
Place: The office of the Versoteq 3D Solutions Oy (Startup Quja), Finnoonniitynkuja 4, 02270 Espoo
Accessibility: The entrance of the office is accessible when using a freight elevator which can be used if needed. Should you need the freight elevator, please call to Rauno Huttunen in advance: Mob. +358 50 3099104. Unfortunately there are not accessible toilets. There is lots of parking space near the entrance door but unfortunately there is no spaces marked with accessibility sign.
More information about accessibility: Rauno Huttunen, 0503099104, rauno.huttunen(a)
7. Dialogue with Time and Aging as an Exhibition Experience
Tiedekeskus Heureka (The Science Center Heureka) will open its exhibition Dialogue with Time October 1st. 2016. Dialogue with Time is an interactive exhibition about aging. In the exhibition the visitor can experience different views about aging in a creative and pleasant way. In the workshop there is guided tour into Dialogue with Time, guided by exhibition guides who are aged 70+. After that there will be a discussion where the ideas and thoughts about exhibition will be discussed.Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 13-16
The language of the workshop: Finnish
The number of participants: max. 20
Organizer: Tiedekeskus Heureka (The Science Center Heureka)
Moderators: Exhibition guides and Anssi Ahlgrén.
Place: The Science Center Heureka, Tiedepuisto 1, 01300 Vantaa
Accessilibity: The main entrance of Science Centre Heureka is accessible. There are five accessible parking spaces for cars in front of Science Centre Heureka. Address to accessible parking space is Kuninkaalantie 7 but driving via Härkävaljakontie, Helsinki. There is an accessible toilet behind racks in entrance hall. Unfortunately it's not possible to use an induction loop in the workshop. More information about accessibility of Heureka.
More information about accessibility: Anssi Ahlgrén, + 358 40 9015 242, anssi.ahlgren(a)
8. Objects of Curiosity : Access to Exhibitions
The goal is wherever possible to remove physical, sensual, and intellectual barriers and to ensure that all aspects of exhibitions and activities are as accessible as possible. In this hands-on interactive session, delegates will have the opportunity to experience and discuss different ways of looking and accessing museum objects through multi sensory props and creative improvisatory methods. The workshop will provide participants with the tools to create access resources for visitors with cognitive and / or sensory impairments so they can fully take part in the museum experience and dialogue.The session is aimed at museum and heritage educators, curators and other art professionals.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 13-15
The language of the workshop: English
The number of participants: Max. 30
Organizers: Abigail Hirsch and HAM – Helsinki Art Museum
Moderator: Abigail Hirsch (UK/Israel)
Place: HAM workshop space, HAM – Helsinki Art Museum, Tennis Palace, 2nd floor, Salomonkatu 15 and/or Eteläinen Rautatienkatu 8, Helsinki.
Accessibility: HAM workshop space is accessible. There are no accessible parking spaces. Cars or taxis bringin people can stop near the entrance (Eteläinen Rautatienkatu 8). The door is heavy and there are thresholds which are over 2 cm high. Museum entrance is the 2nd floor of Tennis Palace, which can be reached with elevators (C and D). The accessible toilet is on the 2nd floor of Tennis Palace, near museum entrance. There is no induction loop at HAM workshop space. More information about the accessibility of HAM.
More information about accessibility: Museum personnel: +358 40 336 0931, ham(a)
9. Audio description workshop
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!In this workshop we will become acquainted with audio description, and will practice the audio description under the guidance of recipients with visual impairments. In the workshop we will concentrate on visual arts.
The workshop is open for everybody who are interested in describing visual reality by words.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 14.00–16.00
The language of the workshop: Finnish
The number of participants: Max. 10 persons
Organizer: Näkövammaisten Kulttuuripalvelu ry (Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired)
Moderators: Sari Kekkonen and recipients with visual impairments
Place: The office of Näkövammaisten Kulttuuripalvelu ry (Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired), Iiris Centre, 5th floor, Marjaniementie 74, Itäkeskus, Helsinki
Accessibility: The main entrance of Iiris Centre is accessible. There are accessible 15 minutes lasting parking places near the main entrance for taxicabs, and two hours lasting parking places in Marjaniementie. You can reach the office of Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired by an elevator. There is an accessible toilet in the entrance hall of Iiris Centre and also in the lobby of 5th floor of Iiris Centre. In the workshop it's possible to use an induction loop. More information about accessibility of Iiris (in Finnish): About Iiris in English.
More information about accessibility: Tanja Rantalainen, +358 40 964 9288
10. All bodies speak: Workshop and presentation of the DanceAbility method
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!We will begin with moving together working with the common denominator of the group. Allowing each movement equal expression the group develops a common movement language in which each person contributes to the whole. This directly facilitates inclusion of everyBODY.
In the presentation we will look at how the DanceAbility method originated and developed from the practice of inclusion. How does the practice influence us today when applied to artistic and social contexts? How can technology be included in this practice? We will watch documentation of technology applied to the DanceAbility method to demonstrate how it supports the experience of movement and choice making for participants. The documentation will show the dance technology platform Isadora which was specifically developed for dance and has huge implications for integrated dance practices and performance.
Notes for the workshop: Clothes suitable for moving.
Time: 2.11.2016 at 17.30-19.30
The number of participants: Max. 20 persons
Language: English (Finnish translation can be organised).
Organizer: DanceAbility Finland in cooperation with Zodiak
Moderator: Sally Davison
Place: Zodiak Studio B2, Staircase B, 2nd floor, The Cable Factory. Tallberginkatu 1, 00180 Helsinki.
Accessibility: There are two accessible parking places near staircase D and one near staircase F. In addition, there are two accessible parking places in front of staircase G, on a parking space of The Cable Factory, 110 meters from staircase B. All the parking places are a little bit smaller than they should be according to instructions. You will find more detailed measures (in Finnish) The rehearsal hall is situated in a second floor. There is an accessible elevator behind stairway B, and with that it's possible to get near the rehearsal hall. The door into corridor is unautomatized. There is not an accessible toilet near the rehearsal hall. The nearest accessible toilet is situated behind the stairway B in first floor where you can move by the elevator. More information about accessibility of Studio B2 (in Finnish).
More information about accessibility: the office of Zodiak, Mon to Fri 11 a.m. til 16 p.m., Tel. +358 9 694 4948, Email: zodiak(a)
11. STARTIT. A digital tool and mobile app for accessibility in performing arts
Unfortunately the workshop is already full!The aim of the workshop is to learn how to create, edit and send subtitles or audio description of any cultural event. These services help people with sensorial disabilities, the elderly and foreigners to enjoy culture. STARTIT is a digital tool which allows to receive different accessibility services in an app: for example Live subtitling (Respeaking, stenotype); Subtitling from script; Audio description; Amplified sound, induction loop.
The workshop is aimed at technicians who work in the field of performing arts and translators, who work with subtitles, captioning and audio description.
Participants need to take with them a computer. Attendees may connect the accessibility services with their smartphones. Participants may take theatre scripts, ready subtitles or audio description texts with them.
Time: Wednesday 2nd November 2016 at 14.00-16.00
The language of the workshop: English
The number of participants: max. 15 people
Organizers: STARTIT (Spain) and Svenska Teatern, supported by The Spanish Embassy in Finland
Moderator: Javier Jiménez Dorado
Place: Meeting room Stigzelius, Svenska Teatern, Pohjoisesplanadi 2, 00130 Helsinki. The participants will meet at the Right entrance (next to Erottajankatu). There will be someone to let you in and guide you to the meeting room.
Accessibility: The meeting room is accessible. The accessible toilet is in the 1st floor. There is a possibility for cars to stop at the Right entrance (for taxis etc.) There is no induction loop in the meeting room.
More information about accessibility: Svenska Teatern, +358 (0)9 616 211