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Cinemaissí Docarchive: Online workshops on how to organise multicultural iniatives promoting cultural diversity: Tampere 17th March, Turku 19th March

Tampere 17.3. 21, 5-7 pm

Turku 19.3. 21, 5-7 pm

Cinemaissí invites people, groups and institutional actors from TAMPERE and TURKU for workshops on how to organize multicultural initiatives promoting cultural diversity.

The workshops aim to bring together and inspire actors in the cultural sector to collaborate and expand their activities through joint efforts. We present the case experiences of producing the Cinemaissí Latin American Film Festival, which in 2020 celebrated its 15th edition.

In this workshop, we will share experiences gathered in the trajectory of making a film festival with the biggest Latin American Community in Finland. The practical experience of Diego Ginartes (Globe Art Point's board member) as former Chair of the association and Artistic Director of the festival will enrich our workshop, serving as an inspiration for a successful production. The project facilitates community bonds, fostering ways to expand and strengthen multicultural events with local actors.

People involved in and/or interested in the promotion of multiculturalism and diversity as well as the creation and promotion of safe intercultural spaces, including:

  • Multicultural associations members.
  • Institutions and organizations (local and regional) linked to the fields of education, culture and welfare.
  • Local government authorities.
  • NGOs and independent groups.
  • Migrant communities and grassroots organizations members.
  • Cultural and welfare workers artists, activists, producers, librarians, among others.
  • Researchers in the field.

Register for Cinemaissí workshops (Eventbrite)

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