Globe Art Point Info -database for artists in English has opened!
The Globe Art Point Association in Helsinki has opened on its home page
a database for non-Finnish-born artists living in Finland in support for their
employment. It contains key information on the organizations, education,
taxation and other fields of art and culture in Finland for the first time in
The purpose of the information bank is to facilitate artists' opportunities to build a career and collaborate with Finnish artists and art institutes.
There are about 1,500 non-Finnish-born art professionals permanently living in Finland, of whom 70% live in the Helsinki metropolitan area. For many reasons, these often in their own countries highly educated and well-known artists will remain unknown in Finland.
The database can be found on the Globe Art Point's website.
Read more in our Finnish news above.
More information:
Globe Art Point’s Managing Director Tomi Purovaara, 044 2987 531,
tomi.purovaara(a), Office:
Malminkatu 5, Kamppi.