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Save the date: Kaikukortti´s “half time” seminar on May 29 – Free coffee and bun!

Kaikukortti´s logo

Welcome to Espoo at the end of May!

Time: Tue 29.5. 13-16
Location: Vindängen, Tuulikuja 6, Tapiola, 02100 Espoo

It's time to take a break and look how Kaikukortti is doing after three years of experimentation. Please book your calendar on spring afternoon May 29 and take a metro to Espoo.

A more detailed program and a registration link will be published in April on the Culture for All Service´s website.

The event is free of charge and is intended for anyone interested in Kaikukortti, for example, for the cardholders, the media, Kaikukortti network partners, social and healthcare - and culture professionals, students and researchers, municipal decision-makers and people working with culture and wellbeing.

Ps. At an event we will publish our new guide for Kaikukortti´s experiment and use (in Finnish) and introduce briefly our new Project Kaikukortti kaikuu!

Accessibility: Vindängen is accessible. The hall has an induction loop. Information on possible interpretations will be published in April with a more detailed program and a registration link.

Vindängen's website.

Further information: Aura Linnapuomi and Mira Haataja, Project Kaikukortti kaikuu, Culture for All Service, aura.linnapuomi (a) cultureforall.fi, tel. +358 40 931 05 76; mira.haataja (a) cultureforall.fi, 040 213 6339.

More information about Kaikukorttti: www.kulttuuriakaikille.fi/kaikukortti_in_english

Event is organized by the Culture for All Service / The Association Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry

Kaikukortti experimets have been coordinated by the Culture for All service and financed the Ministry of Education and Culture, Kainuun liitto (Regional Council of Kainuu) and The Association Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry.

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