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Open Call: The Opening project and Culture for All service are looking for an illustrator/graphic designer

The Opening project and Culture for All service are looking for an illustrator/graphic designer to create training material on the topic of cultural diversity together with the project’s Diversity Educator. The illustrator/graphic designer creates the overall visuality of the material used in the training. This includes illustrating the content of the training material, creating visual materials that can be used in powerpoint, prezi or other forms of presentations, and layouting print materials. The work is to be carried out in September - October 2018 and the trainings will take place October – December 2018. 

The project Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture in Finland supports the equal participation of non-Finnish-born artists and cultural workers in the Finnish arts and culture sector. The project is carried out by Culture for All service together with the Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore and Globe Art Point.

We are dedicated to cultural diversity, equal participation and to working with different kinds of people. Knowledge of the Finnish language can be useful but is not a requirement, knowledge of other languages as well as experiences and/or an education from outside Finland is seen as an advantage. We value different esthetic traditions and forms of artistic expression. Cultural sensitivity and an interest in diversity are beneficial.

We offer an opportunity to collaborate in a small team of artists, cultural workers and researchers. The fee is 1200 €. Applicants are not required to live in Helsinki in order to be able to carry out the work.

We are a workplace free from discrimination and we aim to offer equal possibilities to all. We encourage all genders and gender identities and members of different minorities to apply for the job, regardless of ethnic origin, religion, disability or age.

More information about the project on Culture for All’s website.

And from Diversity Educator Martina Marti: martina.marti@cultureforall.fi

Please send a motivation letter, CV and portfolio by 14th September 2018 to: martina.marti@cultureforall.fi. The portfolio can also be in the form of a link to your website.

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