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Respond to the Culture for All’s Equality Questionnaire

During autumn 2018, the Culture for All service will produce its first Equality Plan. As part of the planning process, we have developed an Equality Questionnaire. The aim of the questionnaire is to find out how equality is achieved in our activities at the moment in relation to our users. We hope that as many as possible can answer the survey, so its results are sufficiently comprehensive. The survey is intended for both representatives for organizations and for individuals. Your answers are treated confidentially and you cannot be identified based on your answers. Your feedback is important to us!

Feel free to do the questionnaire right away, or the latest by 7th September 2018. Answering will take approx. 5-15 minutes. We thank you warmly in advance for your help!

You find the questionnaire here.

Since 2015, Finnish legislation has obliged, in addition to the state and municipalities, education organizers and employers to draw up an equality plan and to promote equality. The obligation to develop a plan includes all employers with at least 30 employees. Culture for All makes its own equal treatment plan to evaluate its activities both internally and externally and to provide good examples of how to develop an equality plan and implement the plan in daily activities.

Learn more about equality planning on the Culture for All’s website.

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