Globe Art Point (G.A.P.) is looking for partners from Art Institutions for the GAP LAB project 2018-2020
G.A.P. search for partners from Art
Institutions who want to develop and experiment with culturally diverse forms
of action, share and get new content ideas, and reach new, diverse audiences
and friends. Collaboration will be built together with the partners, starting
with the needs of each art institution.
The GAP LAB is a program enhancing
artistic collaboration between Finnish and non-Finnish-born artists as well as
with Finnish art and culture institutions. Project is supported in 2018 by the
Ministry of Education and Culture, Helsinki´s Cultural Services and the Finnish
Culture Foundation (Suomen Kulttuurirahasto).
If cooperation seems like an
interesting new opportunity, please contact tomi.purovaara (a)
or call 044 29 87 531 by e-mail by 6.4.2018. Or set up a meeting at GAP
in Helsinki (Malminkatu 5).
More information about Globe Art