Kaikukortti as Hyvä käytäntö (”Good Practice”) 2018 candidate at Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät (Expert days for professionals at social work). Final in Jyväskylä on March 13, 2018. Still time to enr
Talentia (Union of Professional Social Workers) distributes the "Good Practice" award every year at the Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät (Expert days for professionals at social work) to a social practice, which is current, easy to apply, socially influential and evaluated .
Kaikukortti is one of the Hyvä käytäntö (“Good Practice”) candidates selected for the finals this year.
The aim of Kaikukortti is to improve the opportunities of young people, adults and families to participate in cultural life and engage in arts. In the Kaikukortti network, the participants of the Kaikukortti network have participated in the development of the operating model, including the Espoo and Kainuu cultural, social and healthcare actors, as well as national experts and expertices by experience. Kaikukortti is a card, with which card holders can obtain free admission tickets and get a place for free on courses at adult educational centres in the Kaikukortti networks. Kaikukortti is meant for clients at social welfare and health communities that are part of the Kaikukortti networks that are financially hard pressed.
Read more about Kaikukortti here.
Read more about Hyvä käytäntö (good practice) 2018 nominees (in Finnish only).
It is still time to register to Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät (Expert days for Professionals at social work)
Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät will be held this year in Jyväskylä on 13.3. 8am - 6pm.
Read more about Sosiaalialan asiantuntijapäivät (in Finnish).
Follow Sosiaalialanasiantuntijapäivät on Facebook.
Talentia is affiliated to Akava, the Confederation of Unions for Academic Professionals.