Job opportunity for visual artist: “Cultural Media Trip Through Finland”

The “Cultural Media Trip Through Finland” project seeks three visual/ sound / conceptual artists that can plan and implement works in collaboration with children / young people. The aim of the project is to offer job opportunities especially to artists in Finland who have roots elsewhere.
The work should reflect the library material: contents
of books, songs, games, movies or music. However the topic is limited to Finnish
material. The project aims at new interpretations of national works and
phenomena. The works can be two or three-dimensional, environmental or sound
art. The work can be temporary, or a permanent part of the library space.
The works are carried out in the following libraries in Southwest Finland: Mynämäki, Raisio, Runosmäki in Turku. The work of Raisio's library comes on a large window, and possibly on a wall surface in the children’s section. In Runosmäki, the work may be on the wall in childrens’ section, or another work.
Compensation: 2295 euros. The fee includes all expenses, i.e. the social security costs for wages, or if the artist bills as an entrepreneur, it must include VAT, occupational pension contributions etc. at that price. No separate travel allowance.
Timetable: Contact soon, by 15.1. Briefly describe your work as an artist. Experience in working with children and young people is desirable.
Design and implementation of works during February 2018.
Media education: The project involves media education, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the project coordinator. During the project, the work process is documented, children or young people can publish stories about their work on the project blog.
The amount of funds allocated to the materials is small, which means that, wherever possible, recycling or cheap materials are used.
Contact: Project Coordinator Leena Pylkkö, Turku Main Library, leena.pylkko (at)
Language skills: Some skills in Finnish would be good because you work together with children and / or young people. The coordinator supports the working together with children or young people, but cannot be a constant interpreter.