CAISA OPEN CALL INFO 13.12.2017 16-18
Time: Wednesday 13.12. from 4 to 6 pm
Place: Cultural Centre Caisa’s
Festivity hall (1st floor), Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
There will be an information session about Caisa’s coming open call on Wednesday 13.12 at Caisa. Caisa´s team will provide information how artists and instructors can make performance and course proposals for Caisa’s own program and how the premises can be rented or lend for own use. On the same day, the open call for 2018 and 2019 will open in their website.
More information about Caisa Open Call here.
Kansainvälinen kulttuurikeskus Caisa |Internationella kulturcentret Caisa | International Cultural Centre Caisa