Wersta´s christmas seminar in Tampere 18.12.2017 about issues of cooperation
Time: Monday 18.12.2017 from 10 am to 4 pm
Place: Työväenmuseo Werstas,
auditorium, Väinö Linnan aukio 8, 33210 Tampere.
Registration: by 13.12. seminaari (a) tyovaenmuseo.fi or tel.
010 420 9221.
Seminar is free, lunch with own cost.
This year, Wersta's traditional Christmas seminar discusses issues of cooperation. How successful partnerships are, how to get friends and how to work together? In recent years, the importance of the communities, partnerships and community service products has been emphasized in the museum industry. A museum with friends is not alone.
The seminar speaks of partnerships from different perspectives and different operating environments. The seminar will present community activities with national and local actors.