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Kaarisilta biennale was awarded with the Kettuki´s Art Act Prize of the year 2017

Kaarisilta biennale was awarded with the Kettuki´s Art Act Prize of the year 2017. The Art Act Prize is awarded each year to a strong promoter of art and culture for people with special needs.

The Art Act Prize is awarded by the Kettuki Art Centre which is Finland’s nationwide art centre for people with learning disabilities. The objective of the Kettuki Art Centre is to raise the esteem of art by people with intellectual disabilities by promoting it at a nationwide level. The centre also aims to improve opportunities for people with disabilities to study and practice art in both professional and recreational contexts. The centre was founded in May 2006 and it is managed by the Kettuki Support Association for Disabled Artists (Kehitysvammaisten taiteilijoiden tuki ry).

Read more about the award here (in Finnish only). 

Additional Information:
Päivi Lilja, Executive Director, Kettuki, 044 0405 107, paivi.lilja (a) kettuki.fi
Marianne Heikkilä, Executive Director, Kaarisilta, 0447744025, marianne.heikkila (a) kaarisilta.fi

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