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Saamelaisveri (the Sáme blood) Nordic film of the month in Hanasaari, Espoo December 4

Sáme blood Nordic film of the month in Hanasaari, Espoo December 4

Time: 4.12. at 18.00. Tickets can be booked from 6.11 onwards.
Location: Hanasaari, Hanasaarenranta 5, Espoo

Hanasaari's popular film series The Nordic film of the month has returned to the Hanasaari Cultural Center, which was rebuilt in the autumn of 2017! The unique series has offered this versatile and timely coverage of Swedish contemporary film this fall. The theme of the movie series is women either at the center of the story or as a factor.

There is free access to the movie show, but the show must be booked in advance through the Hanasaari web site. There are a limited number of tickets.

Further information: info(a)hanaholmen.fi, tel. 09-435020

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