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Sininen Sirkus (“Blue Circus”) Artist Collective´s exhibition November 1 – December 29 in Helsinki, opening ceremony November 1

In the new “Sininen pilvilinna” (translation blue daydream) exhibition of the Blue Circus collective´s artists features works of art with imaginative landscapes.

Time: November 1 – December 29.2017 Mon-Sun 7.30–21, Fri 7.30–23, Sat 10–23, Sun 10–17.
Location: The Cultural Center Sähinä´s gallery, Heikkiläntie 10, Lauttasaari, Helsinki.

Opening: November 1, 7 pm at the Cultural Center Sähinä Gallery. The entrance to the gallery takes place through the Makers cafe (1st floor). The space is not accessible. Small snacks are available at the opening.

Blue Circus Artist Collectives include Otto Kasvio, Markku Tolvanen, Juhani Rusanen, Riina Noro and Joannis Clementides.

"Our imagination sometimes travels in space just like an ADHD scenes from the sun. I even make blue clouds where it hurts, even if there's space, or just a big apple. “

For more information, please contact: Anni Rupponen, anni.rupponen (a) autismisaatio.fi, tel. +358504078915

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