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Conference on Accessibility in Film, Television and Interactive Media October 14th–15th in York, UK

The number of visually impaired people in the UK is expected to rise to 4 million by 2050, while by 2035 it is estimated that there will be 15.6 million of people with hearing loss in the UK. Such statistics reflect the urgency in which film, television and interactive media industries need to reflect on the diversity of their audiences as well as measures to increase both accessibility as well as foster inclusivity.

Conference on Accessibility in Film, Television and Interactive Media is held at October 14th–15th in York, UK. 

The varied programme of this conference seeks to promote communication between researchers, stakeholders in the creative industries, accessibility services, and audiences. It will be a great networking opportunity, providing an interdisciplinary forum which integrates approaches from the arts, humanities, engineering and social sciences that study both traditional and innovative approaches to accessibility.

Keynote Speakers: Maria Oshodi, Extant and Howard Bargroff, Sonorous.

The event is organised by the Enhancing Audio Description Project team with audio panels organised under the umbrella of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) North of England section. The organisers of the conference are Dr Mariana Lopez, Dr Gavin Kearney, and Krisztian Hofstadter.

This event is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AH/N003713/1) as part of the Enhancing Audio Description project.

Accessibility: The building is wheelchair accessible and induction loop hearing systems are available in the conference spaces. 

If you have any additional access requirements please email mariana.lopez(a)york.ac.uk or call +44 1904 92 5248.

For more details, including updates on the programme, please visit our website 

Admission: Free

Register here 

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