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Open call for DiDa – Disability Day Art & Action 2017 – apply now!

Dida open call

DiDa – Disability Day Art & Action is a network festival celebrated on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 3rd December and during the whole week 48 (27th November - 3rd December 2017). DiDa wants to raise questions concerning human rights and equality through high-quality and thought-provoking art works, cultural programme and action.

We are now looking for program to the main event of 3rd December 2017, taking place in Ruohis tapahtumatila, Ruoholahti, Helsinki. You can propose for example performing arts, music, visual arts or spoken word. The jury will evaluate how well the works fit into the festival program as a whole and how they are related to the themes of the event. 

We wish to receive proposals from both, professional and non-professional artists, and especially from people with disabilities. Please submit your proposal at the latest on 6th August 2017 through this form. 

Financial commission will be paid to artists if possible. Travel expenses will be reimbursed and participants will get a meal during the day. Please note that the maximum duration of the works is 20 minutes. 


The main partners of DiDa are The Threshold Association, EUCREA Finland ry, Abilis Foundation, Tukilinja and Culture for All Service. We are also looking for new partners to collaboration. Feel free to contact the producer if you are interested.

You are warmly welcome to join us!

More information

For more information, see DiDa's website or contact producer Oona Simolin (info.disabilityday(a)gmail.com, tel. +358 44 2909 651).

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