Working with Museum Audiences - Towards Active and Inspiring Customer Experience, Turku 11.5.
The Association of the Castles and Museums around the Baltic Sea
Seminar Agenda 11 May 2017
Turku Castle
The seminar presentations focus on the different pedagogical approaches on working with the public and customer service development projects in various countries and museums around the Baltic Sea.
Bryggman Hall, Turku Castle.
Seminar fee
30 euros / person (the price includes participation in seminar and lunch).
Please register by April 8th (lyyti.fi)
9–10 Registration
10-12 Session One:
Joanna Kurth, The Museum Centre of Turku, Finland.
Towards Active and Engaging Customer Service
Jouni Marjamäki and Anne Paulasuo, National Board of Antiquities, Olavinlinna Castle, Finland. Improving the Accessibility of the Olavinlinna Castle
Bengt Selin, The Museum Centre of Turku, Finland.
Elves and Executioners – Education at Turku Castle
Jani Tihinen, Suomenlinna / The Ehrensvärd Society, Finland.
Its alive! – The 18th Century in Suomenlinna
12-13 Lunch
13–15 Session Two:
Jonna Heliskoski, National Board of Antiquities, Finland.
Concept Development of the Museums Shops of the National Museum of Finland
Marek Stokowski, Malbork Castle Museum, Poland.
Towards a Friendly Museum
Mimmi Mannheimer, Kalmar Castle, Sweden.
Children's Castle at Kalmar Castle - Families as a Target Group
Vladimir Tsoy, Vyborg Castle, Russia.
Vyborg Castle: From museum of local history to historical location
15–15.30 Demo Representations of New Approaches to Museum Education:
AR (Augmented Reality) applications in Museums represented by Turku Game Lab
“One Hour Word Dictionaries” represented by Lingsoft Inc.
Seminar programme and presentations in English. No translations available.