Ohita navigaatio


Call for Artists: Community Arts Project for Asylum Seekers, deadline 15.1.2017

The 16th edition of ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival will take place between 18th and 24th September 2017 in Kuopio, Finland. We are now looking for 1-2 artists, living and working in Finland, to lead a community arts project and create a site-specific artwork to be presented at the festival.

Both existing working groups or individual artists may submit application. We are, particularly, interested in artists experienced working with multicultural communities.

The project is a part of the New Start Finland! research project at the University of Eastern Finland. New Start Finland! is researching ways to promote health, wellbeing and integration of adult asylum seekers. Both granted asylum seekers and Finnish in origin will be invited to participate in ANTI Festival’s project. The artists are expected to commit to the aims of the New Start Finland! research project and to:

  • lead up to 12 workshops for the target groups between April and October 2017
  • create, direct and present a community artwork at the ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival 2017
  • keep a work diary
  • assist the researchers in implementing surveys
  • take part in the project evaluation in collaboration with the researchers and ANTI Festival

This is a project work between 1st March and 31st November 2017, equivalent of around 2 months full-time job. The project fee is around 4 000 €/artist, and the working schedule will be negotiated individually. The working languages are English and Finnish.

All proposals must be sent using this electronic form and written in English. The proposal deadline is 15.1.2017.

More information: antifestival.com

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