Call for workshops, round table discussions, case presentations & introductory visits!
The Forum of Equality in Culture: Accessibility 3.0
Open call for preliminary workshops, round table discussions, case presentations and introductory visits in connection with The Forum of Equality in Culture! Submit your proposal by 29 January 2016. We will notify the selected applicants by 18 March 2016. After the selection we will send more detailed instructions to the participants. The preliminary programme will be publicized in May 2016.
The Forum of Equality in Culture: Accessibility 3.0 will be held on 3 November 2016 at Media Centre Lume in Helsinki. The programme also includes preliminary workshops held on 2 November 2016 and introductory visits to various organizations on 4 November 2016. The themes of the forum are new creative technologies in the field of arts and culture and their potentials to enhance accessibility and equality. The forum is meant for stakeholders in the field of arts and culture, experts in technology and accessibility, users of culture and everyone interested.
Please note that we cannot pay fees and are unfortunately unable to compensate for travel costs.
The forum is a three-day event. The programme of the forum:
- Wednesday 2 November 2016: preliminary workshops at different venues
- Thu 3 November 2016: seminar day at Media Centre Lume, case presentations and round table discussions
- Fri 4 November 2016: introductory visits to different organizations
Preliminary workshops 2 November 2016
We are seeking for suggestions for preliminary workshops. Propose a topic and organize a workshop on your premises on 2 November. The outcomes of the workshops will be presented at the forum on 3 November.
The workshop can be centred, for example, on collaboratively solving a certain problem relating to accessibility, teaching the participants some new skill, developing an idea or existing service or product, or creating some new idea. The outcomes of the workshops will be presented briefly at the forum on 3 November.
Send us your proposal for preliminary workshops by 29 January through webform (Google)
The proposal should include:
- The name of the workshop, moderator and possible background community/organization of the moderator, as well as contact details.
- A description of the workshop: Max. 400 characters
- The duration of the workshop: The duration of a workshop can be 2-8 hours, you can decide about the appropriate length yourself.
- The language of the workshop: Specify in your proposal the language/languages of your workshop and whether it is possible for you to arrange for interpretation.
- The number of participants: Specify the maximum number of persons you can have in your workshop.
- The site and accessibility: The organizer itself will provide the site for the workshop. The venue should hopefully be as accessible as possible. It is important that participants in your workshop are informed in advance about the accessibility of the site. Inform us already when submitting your proposal whether there are accessible entry and passage to the workshop location, accessible toilets and accessible parking spaces and whether it is possible to use an induction loop at the workshop. Further information in the application form.
Forum programme 3 November 2016
We are seeking for topics for round table discussions and moderators for the tables as well as case presentations as part of the programme of the forum on 3 November.
Round table discussions
The duration of a round table discussion will be 45 min – 1.5 hrs (to be specified later).
We are hoping for round table discussions on, for example, the following topics and themes:
- Culture/art, accessibility and technologies/digitalization
- How can technologies make art and culture more accessible?
- How do we ensure that technologies are accessible to all people?
- How can a challenge relating to accessibility be solved?
- What kinds of problems/challenges can or cannot be solved with technologies?
- What kinds of challenges do technologies involve? Who are excluded as technology evolves?
- How can operators in the field of culture choose from among all the possibilities the solutions that are the most effective and sustainable for their activities? Technology opens great possibilities but does it, at the same time, allow for sustainable development?
- What kind of technology for what? How to find the way in the jungle of possibilities? What types of services/equipment are needed, for which part of cultural activities?
- How do different applications and solutions work together, how can one make them accessible?
- For what kinds of applications and services there is a need, and are there shortcomings in the current situation and supply that call for immediate reaction?
- Do the possibilities offered by technology change people’s relationship to art and cultural services? How?
Send us your proposals for round table discussions by 29 January through webform (Google)
The proposal should include:
- The name and possible background community/organization of the moderator, as well as contact details.
- The title of the discussion: give the discussion an interesting and precise title.
- A description of the discussion: give the discussion a concise description. The approach may be edgy. Max. 400 characters.
- The language/languages of the discussion: Specify in your proposal what the language options in the discussion are (Finnish/Swedish/English/Finnish Sign Language). We can arrange for interpretation to Finnish Sign Language for 1-2 tables.
Case presentations
How have accessibility, culture and technology already been linked together? How were the solutions realized? What were the successes, what went wrong? What kinds of projects dealing with accessibility, technologies, digitalization and culture are currently in the works or have recently been carried out?
The maximum duration of a case presentation is around 10 minutes (to be specified later). The case presentations will be part of the section of the programme that will be interpreted at least to Finnish Sign Language and also has speech-to-text interpretation.
Send us your proposals for case presentations by 29 January through webform (Google)
The proposal should include:
- The name and background community/organization of the case presenter, as well as contact details.
- The title of the presentation
- A description of the presentation: Max. 400 characters.
- Language: Specify in your proposal in what languages you can give your presentation (Finnish/Swedish/English/Finnish Sign Language).
Introductory visits 4 November 2016
Different organizations will also have a chance to present their work in the context of accessibility through introductory visits on 4 November.
All organizations are offered the opportunity to organize an introductory visit to introduce what kind of work they have done towards accessibility. The participating organizations may organize, for example, 1-2 introductory events or tours on their premises on 4 November, at 9 am – 11 am and/or 1 pm – 3 pm. There will be no advance registration for the visits.
Possible topics for a visit:
- what we have done to achieve accessibility, successes and challenges, our own experiences
- tour of premises, recapping the accessibility solutions applied in the facilities and operations
Send us your proposal for introductory visits by 29 January through webform (Google)
The proposal should include
- The name of the organization and the contact person, as well as contact details and the address.
- The form: Describe in your proposal how you will present the accessibility work carried out in your organization. Tell us if it is possible for you to organize 1 or 2 presentations/tours
- The language/languages: Specify in what language(s) you will/can organize the events and whether it is possible for you to arrange for interpretation.
- Details about accessibility: It is important that participants in your event are informed in advance about the accessibility of your premises. Inform us already when submitting your proposal whether there are accessible entry and passage to the location of the event, an accessible toilet and accessible parking spaces and whether it is possible to use an induction loop at the event. Further information in the application form.
The Forum of Equality in Culture is organized by the Culture for All Service in collaboration with Aalto University (Media Factory), Helsingin Seniorisäätiö, Heureka - The Finnish Science Centre, Näkövammaisten kulttuuripalvelu (Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired), SAMS (Samarbetsförbundet kring funktionshinder rf), Tanssin talo ry (The Dance House Helsinki) and The Finnish Film Foundation.
Further information
Outi Salonlahti
Email: outi.salonlahti(a)cultureforall.fi
tel. + 358 40 963 9908
Culture for All Service / Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry
The Culture for All Service promotes cultural services that are inclusive and take diverse audiences into account. The service is maintained by the association Yhdenvertaisen kulttuurin puolesta ry.