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Vimma Prize for Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät

”Honour-Vimmas” to dancers

The Threshold Association (Kynnys ry) awarded punk band Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät with Vimma Prize. Vimma Prize is given every year to a person or group, who/which has been promoting politic disability art in Finland. The prize includes 5000 euro grant for future working, given by Tukilinja magazine.

The jury states that Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät has a message for promoting equality and the band has got a lot of positive visibilty when it represented Finland this year in the Eurovision song contest. The band has since 2009 broken barriers and created excellent music with political statements. The band has also starred a documentary The punk syndrome.

Dancers Gunilla Sjövall and Maija Karhunen were awarded with ”honour-Vimma”.

Vimma prize

The Threshold Association is a disability organization that was founded by disabled people and its main mission is based on three elements, human rights, independent living and culture, all to empower disabled people in Finland. The Finnish word "vimma" means enthousiasm, fury or frenzy.

More information

sanni.purhonen(a)kynnys.fi, tel. +358 40 704 82 83

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