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Arts and Audience 2015: New Urban Challenges 2.-3.12.2015, Copenhagen

Curious to know more about how the arts and cultural sector meets the challenges of increasing urbanization? This is the conference for you!

Earlybird – first tickets out!

is this year's Nordic Arts and Audiences conference, it takes place at AFUK – the Academy of Untamed Creativity in Copenhagen.
On the 2nd & 3rd of December 2015 from 09:00 to 18:00

New Urban Challenges

The urban development in the Nordics has reached a level we have not seen since the Industrialisation. Rapid growth of the major cities changes urban demographics and cultural composition.
At this year's conference the focus will be on what these urban challenges means for the cultural sector and for the arts.

To present ideas for the cultural institutions to approach challenges of the ongoing development, we offer a number of International and nordic keynotes and presentations:

• Phil Wood, Urban Therapist and conference moderator zooms in on social innovation and the urban challenges arisen from the growing cultural diversity.
• Jadrien Ellison, Program Responsible at The Door N.Y. will speak on methods for youth development and the integral role arts can play in this.
• Marcus Davey, Chief Executive and Artistic Director, Roundhouse, London will tell about the development of Roundhouse to the essential institution it is today. 
• Put Culture into Action, Interdisciplinary Outreach Project, where more than 22 culture institutions and social housing initiatives from 2011-2015 have tried to make culture reach new groups of the population.
As in previous years, the Arts and Audiences conference is interdisciplinary and a breath of fresh air into development of relations with the public. This year we dive into good NORDIC CASES to investigate how you can optimize your relation and communication with diverse audiences.


Registrations for the conference will open 12 October 2015:
Early Bird until 1/11 2015: € 150, -
Full Prize from 2/11 2015: € 200, -

Registrations: artsandaudiences.com/registration

Arts and Audiences programme will be updated continuously on artsandaudiences.com

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