Koli Environmental Art Festival has developed its accessibility
KOLI Environmental Art Festival is an international environmental art project in North Karelia, Finland, and the project is taking place in Koli National Park and Koli village in 2013-2015.
Kaskikalleria, an international environmental art exhibition, is open for public from the beginning of July until the end of October. Environmental Art and Community Based Art PYRY ry is in charge of planning and organizing the festival.
The festival emphasizes the ideas of sitespecific thinking, inclusion, participation and surprising standpoints. The festival also offers a great environment for cooperation.
Accessible event
In 2015 Koli Environmental Art Festival emphasizes accessibility. On the basis of experiences from previous years, steps towards improving the accessibility of the festival has been made variedly. The festival has taken into account physical, sensory, cognitive, financial, attitudinal and linguistic obstacles and also scrutinized the website, informative aspect and the implementation of the festival as a whole. Among others the festival has been working in cooperation with web designer Lauri Merisaari, Accessible Arts and Culture ry, The Association of Visually Impaired North Karelia ry, Diakonia University of Applied Sciences, Honkalampi Foundation and the artists of Lieksa Kirsikoti.
Information about the accessibility
The website also includes separate information concerning accessibility to serve all the users and to raise awareness. The accessibility information is available in Finnish plain language. There is also separate information for visually impaired and in sign language.
Kaskikalleria Environmental Art Exhibition 2015 - An experience for all senses!
The maps for the Kaskikalleria can be found in Koli. With the help of the map you can look at the art work independently. You can find the signs with the information by the art work. There are symbols in the map that will tell you about the accessibility of the art work.
Kaskikalleria map with the accessibility material
Services for visually impaired persons
KOLI Environmental Art Festival has produced a tactile map for visually impaired persons. You can also find the information of each art work in Braille. The tactile map and the Braille material can be borrowed from the Nature Center Ukko, Koli tourist info and Restaurant Alamaja in the harbor. The information of each art work can also be found as recordings in Finnish which you can listen to at the website.
Services in sign language
KOLI Environmental Art Festival has produced material in Finnish Sign Language. The videos can be found at the website. The material has been produced in cooperation with Diakonia University of Applied Sciences.
More information
The festival can be explored in advance on Koli Environmental Art web site and in Facebook:
More information about the accessibility of the festival
Miia Rosenius, miia.rosenius(a)hotmail.com, tel. +358 503455827
KOLI Environmental Art Festival is organized by Environmental Art and Community Based Art PYRY ry: Artists Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, Teijo Karhu, Miia Rosenius.
More information about the festival
PYRY ry / Tuija Hirvonen-Puhakka, tel. +358 50 304 78 65