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Discussions about cultural heritage at Art goes Kapakka Festival on 17th and 18th August

Art goes Kapakka is a ten-day cultural city event in Helsinki, Finland.

The festival is held on August at the best restaurants, bars and cafes in centre of Helsinki. Art goes Kapakka is part of Helsingin Juhlaviikot (Helsinki festival). All events have free entrance. See the whole program at artgoeskapakka.fi.

Discussions about cultural heritage

Monday 17.8. at 17.00, Restaurant Siltanen (Hämeentie 13)

Perintöä odotellessa: Elävä kulttuuriperintö
Conversation about immaterial cultural heritage. What are Finnish, immaterial and still active ways of doing things? Conversation will be held in Finnish.

Tuesday 18.8. at 17.00, Restaurant Siltanen (Hämeentie 13)

Perintöä odotellessa: Musiikki- ja tapahtumakulttuuri
Conversation about cultural heritage and how it´s related to music culture and events. What are Finnish, immaterial and still active ways of doing things? Conversation will be held in Finnish.

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