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Audio description in movie theatres all over Finland!

Audio description for Miekkailija ("The Swordsman", a film by Klaus Härö) is available for everyone in Finnish movie theatres. You can listen to the audio description with your own smartphone or tablet with the application called MovieReading.

The premiere of the film was 13.3.

The Finnish Film Foundation has produced the audio description for the film. It is a pilot project. We hope, that as many visually impaired people as pssibile would try this new technique to test its possibilities. The experiences and feedback are essential to develop audio description of films in Finland.

Download MovieReading

To listen to the audio description, you need to download the free of charge application called MovieReading. It is available for iOS and Android devices. The application is available at moviereading.com. In movie theatres, you can listen to the audio description with your own device and own headphones.

Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired ( CSVI )
Eija-Liisa Markkula
Cultural Service for the Visually Impaired ( CSVI )
puh. 041-439 22 09

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