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The Accessibility and Diversity of Culture seminar in Helsinki on 19th November

19.11.2014 at 13.00 - 15.30. Coffee at 12.00
Finlandia Hall, B Hall, Mannerheimintie 13 e, Helsinki (M1 entrance)

Please registrate by 11.11.2014 via Webropol

The final report of working group "Accessibility of Art and Culture" of Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture was published this spring. The working group proposed actions to different organizations, so that they would contribute to maintaining and developing one´s own culture and language and the accessibility and diversity of art and culture. Different audiences should be taken into account when producing cultural services. Diversity should be part of art and culture organization´s work.

The aim of the seminar is to continue the work with promoting accessibility and inclusion.

The seminar is meant for people working with art and culture, NGOs and administration.

The language of the seminar is Finnish.
Program and more information in Finnish

More information

Lea Halttunen, tel. +358 295 3 30097, lea.halttunen(a)minedu.fi
or Emmi Lahtinen, tel. +358 40-5821765, emmi.emilia.lahtinen(a)gmail.com

Location and transportation


Information about the accessibility of Finlandia Hall.
When registraiting, please tell, if you need interpretation to Finnish Sign Language or speech-to-text interpretation.

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