Training: Libraries & Easty to read! Joy and inclusion by reading
How could libraries and social and health care services together promote the joy of reading and the right to information? What is the role of Easy to Read texts / plain language in promoting of reading?
Time: 19.11.2014 at 9.30-15.30
Place: Seinäjoki City Library, Alvar Aallon katu 14, 60101 Seinäjoki
Arranged by: The Finnish Centre for Easy to read / The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (FAIDD)
Fee: Training is free of charge
Inscriptions: minna.salonen(a)kvl.fi by 12.11.2014
The language of the training is Finnish.
The training is meant for libraries and people working with elderly people and disabled people.
More information
Project planner Minna Salonen, tel. +358 45 7734 5502, minna.salonen(a)kvl.fi