9 Gatherings: Migration, Art and Change
Where, in which space, could citizens and foreigners, nationals and aliens meet each other?
Fri 23.5.2014 klo 14.00 - 18.00
Free entrance
Caisan galleria
Mikonkatu 17 C / Vuorikatu 14 , Helsinki
How to make visible the experiences that are forced to invisibility? How to change migration politics through art and activism?
Hear the introductions and join the discussions at the Gallery of Cultural Centre Caisa on Friday 23rd of May 2pm to 6pm. The event is part of the 9 Gatherings project that combines socially engaged art and migration activism.
From 2pm to 4pm there will be short presentations on migration and an introduction to socially engaged art projects. Different groups such as Trampoline House from Copenhagen and Free Movement Network will talk about their praxis. From 4pm to 6pm we will discuss future actions and projects in smaller working groups. The themes of the working groups are: space, documentation and change.
In contemporary Finland many undocumented, asylum seekers and migrant Roma are living in a temporary situation which has become permanent. The lack of a proper legal status results in the loss of basic rights and the possibility to participate in society. We want to create a new culture to break these forms of isolation and borders, so that the citizens and migrants with different backgrounds can organize together.
Artists, writers, other cultural workers and students, representatives of NGOs, teachers, journalists and everyone who is willing to improve migrants rights are warmly welcomed to the event.
We wish for productive discussion and new contacts for everyone and new participants and partners for our project. Refreshments and snacks from around the world.
Welcome to participate!
9 Gatherings project develops new collaboration between the culture sector, precarious migrants and NGOs that work to improve migrant rights. 9 Gatherings is an initiative of the Free Movement Network, Oikeudet ilman rajoja - registered association and the Artists´ and Writers´ Association Kiila. The main funding of the project is received from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Additional information
Johanna Raekallio, artistic coordinator, 9 Gatherings
and Katja Tuominen, project coordinator, 9 Gatherings,
tel. 0402410662
email: vapaaliikkuvuus@gmail.com
http://kiila.eu/ Only in Finnish