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A photo of Signmark

Tarja Halonen and Rita Paqvalén sign on Signmark´s new music video

Signmark, hip-hop and rap musician has released a new music video of the single "Fighting". The Culture for All is also present on the video: our chair, president Tarja Halonen and our executive director Rita Paqvalén sign on the video.

There are also a lot Finnish celebrities on the video: for example minister Pekka Haavisto, m.p. Jani Toivola, rap musician Paleface, stand up comedian Sami Hedberg and actor Eppu Salminen.

Signmark (a.k.a. Marko Vuoriheimo) was born deaf into a world where music is for the hearing. He pursued his childhood dream and became the first deaf in the world to get a record deal. Signmark will release his third studio album "Silent Shout" on 25.4.

You can watch the music video at Nyt.fi.

Sources: Nyt.fi and signmark.biz

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