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A close picture of a wheelchair wheel with one hand on it.

Absolutely abNormal exhibition open in Pori until February 23rd

The exhibition presents the history and present of people with disabilities in Finland. The common discourses of disability in the society are questioned in the exhibition. Who is normal? Who can have a happy life? Interactive and multi-sensory elements play a signifi cant role in the display.

The exhibition is open until February 23rd in Satakunta Museum, Pori.

The level of accessibility is aiming to be high. The texts of the exhibition are also available in braille and part of the texts are in plain Finnish. The texts are also in Finnish Sign Language and the exhibition is audio described.

The exhibition is produced in 2011 by The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, but it is widened with some material from Pori area.

More inofrmation in Finnish News and from Akuliina Aartolahti, tel. +358 44 701 1056, akuliina.aartolahti(a)pori.fi

Satakunta Museum

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