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Ajankohtaista-osion teemakuva

So you think you can´t dance! DanceAbility, dance for everyone

In the workshop we will play and explore our body movement in relationship to ourselves, in relationship to others and in relationship to our environment.

Using the body as the model for communication we can find new and often amusing ways to communicate beyond the realm of words. Everyone can participate in this class in their own terms in their own way. The system supports movement that each person can do. No experience of any kind is required.

When: Every Sunday from 23.9.2012 onwards. 14:00-16:00.

Where: Rehearsal room B2, Zodiak. Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 B, Helsinki. The space is accessible.

Price: 5 €/class or 20 €/5 classes ("season ticket" valid for either Autumn or Spring season). First time free! Personal assistants can participate for free.

Kontakti-impro Jamit - Contact Impro Jams

When: 3.10. klo/at 17.30-19 (17.30 ohjattu lämmittely/led warm up, 18-19 jamit/jams)
Place: Lyhty Tähkätie 4 00390 Helsinki
More info: +358400843689/Sally Davison

www.danceabilityfinland.com (uudistetaan, väliaikainen sivusto / is being renewed, temporary site: http://danceabilityfinland.blogspot.fi/)

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