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ARIADNE - Art for intercultural adaptation in new environment

International Conference on 29-30 November 2012, Budapest, Hungary

Who is it for: artists doing workshops with adults, adult trainers, educators, social workers, decision-makers in the field of migration, education, social work, counselors involved with newcomers - migrants, expatriates global nomades and other cultural border-crossers

- To present the results of the 2 years long international project, ARIADNE- Art for intercultural adaptation in new environments
- To held workshops, presentations, roundtables about community art projects adaptation and migration
-To invite as many as possible practicioners from all over the worls to share and discuss experiences

For more info please see our website or contact us!

Grant opportunity for adult trainers / facilitators: Grundtvig "Visits and exchange", to apply individually at your National Grundtvig Agency generally 12 weeks before the conference starts, so 29th of August!

ATTENTION! You don't need to find tha agenda of the conference in the Grundtvig catalogue, you just need to attach it to your application!

Info on the grant opportunity
National agencies

Contact: Veronika Szabó, Artemisszio Foundation, veronika.szabo(a)artemisszio.hu

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