Makers of tactile books needed
Tactile books are colourful picture books, made from a variety of materials, which can be explored with touch. Celia library has published a booklet for those who are interested in making tactile books.
Celia library collection includes 750 tactile books, but more are needed as they are very popular. They are borrowed 4000 times each year.
Tactile books are suitable for children and young people with visual or developmental disabilities and autistic children starting from the age of two. They also suit adults with multiple disabilities.
Most tactile books are time-consuming to make. They are unique copies donated to Celia or are thesis works prepared by students. Celia library has published a booklet in Finnish, Swedish and English for those who are interested in making tactile books. The booklet is a practical guide explaining what one needs to consider when making the books. All language versions are available for downloading as pdf on Celia´s website. Printed copies are available in Finnish and Swedish.
Download the guide How to make tactile books from Celia web pages.
Celia is a Finnish state-owned specialist library which produces and provides literature in accessible formats for people who are unable to read standard printed books, due to illness or disability - including visually impaired persons, persons suffering from dyslexia and learning disabilities, developmental disabilities and muscular diseases.
Celia's web pages
For more information:
Irmeli Holstein, Children´s Librarian, Celia Library
tel. +358 50 427 3307
Johanna Kainulainen, Information Officer, Celia Library
tel. +35840 186 9129